loki x reader part 1

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it was a Friday night at about 10:00 pm I was hanging out in my room in a cocoon of blankets on my computer crying over my Voltron boys with my cat trying to lay down on my computer key board or randomly licking my arm 'weird cat' THEN SOMEONE HAD THE AUDACITY TO DISTURB MY EMOTIONAL BRAKE DOWN I stomp down stairs leaving a trail of fire ( not really) behind me and then go to the back door only to see a big hole in my lawn and a guy in what I assume was cosplay I slam open the back door "HEY PRETTY BOY WHAT THE HELLS THE BIG IDEA YOU BETTER FIX THIS OR ELSE" I said with venom dripping from every word as I tern around to go back inside " HOW DARE YOU I am a GOD you can't talk to me that way YOU PATHETIC MORTAL" I freeze and tern around looking him dead in the eye and said in a dangerous voice " I'm going to beat your ass you stuck up little brat"  "HAHAHA OH AND MORTAL HOW DO YOU THIN-" *SLAP* I hit him right across the face before he could finish then I grab him by the ear and drag him inside going to my kitchen and garbing my grandmas old wood spoon and whapped the back of his hands till they were red and on the head a few times for good measure  " NOW THAT YOU'VE LEARNED YOUR LEASON FIX THE FUCKING HOLE IN MY  BACK YARD AND IF I COME BACK AND IT'S NOT FIXED YOU WILL KNOW WHAT REAL PAIN IS BRAT ....humph NOW GO AND IF YOU LEAVE I.WILL.FIND.YOU. GOT IT" he just looked at me with wide eyes and slowly nodded his head and then went to my back yard 'that's more like it knew grandmas old wood spoon would work' 

lokis pov:

'damn mortal I could just leave.... but then she would show me what true pain is ....WAIT WHY THE HELL AM I AFRAID OF HER SHE IS A LITTLE MORTAL WOMAN OR FUCKS SAKE'....but then again I did put a hole in her lawn ..... but when have I GIVEN A FUCK'

I come out of deep thought to find that I have finished the task at hand so I might as well inform the mortal I am done 'god I fell like a peasant'  "good your done I was starting to think it would take you all night I maid some snacks and got you some night clothes and by the way my names (Y/N)"


your pov:

" um (Y/N) why would I need night clothes" 

"WEEEELLLLLLLLL because your sleeping here no matter what you say cause my house is pretty far out and it's late plus you need rest now eat your snack and get your night cloths on it's already 11:30"

"uhh very well mortal (Y/N)"

loki slept on the couch in my spare cat P.J's and I slept in my room still laughing at how he looked in those P.J's   

' this will be fun'

sorry there's no punctuation it's 5:00 am man

character x readers/male reader seme or uke  Yaoi, Yuri and StraightWhere stories live. Discover now