eyeless jack x seme male zombie reader part 4

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I am so sorry this is progressing really slowly I might just make it a separate book all together (comment thoughts ) and you guys know this is a oneshot right its just taking a long time to get to the confession part same for the rest of the story's I have learned through out this experience I'm bad at making my story's progress fast.

' too much running for one day'

still panting lightly from my run through the woods I look around and find a gas station 'perfect that run left me pretty hungry'   I stroll in the bell at the top of the door making a little ding signaling there was a costumer.  At the sound of the bell a young teenage boy looked about 16 or 17 no discernible traits brown hair gray eyes lanky figure wearing a tee-shirt with the gas station logo walks in when he sees me his eyes go wide " WOW COOL are you an albino or something or did you bleach your hair white and your skin is so pale!!!" the young teen exclaimed excitedly "wait.....WHAT" I speed towards the gas station bathroom and look in the mirror my hair was snow white and I was so pale my skin looked grey I looked dead the only thing that was the same from before was my eyes. "AHHHH WHY DOES IT ALWAYS HAVE TO BE MEEEEEEEEEEE" I sob dramatically then I look in the mirror again and also notice that all my clothes are covered in dry blood 'how did that kid not notice probably to distracted by my white hair  oh well I guess I can just zip up my hoodie and it will be less noticeable my hoodies is too dark to show the blood good all fixed now that that's over with imma get some food'  

random gas station employee pov:


'wonder what he ate ' 

( I remind you your just in the gas station bathroom screaming)

back too you:

I walk out of the bathroom the guy behind the counter gave me a weird look I awkwardly look away and search for something that looks decant to eat from the candy isles. ( did I even spell that right?) I find a (F/C) (favorite candy) and grab my wallet out of my pocket and pay in cash then walk out of the gas station finding a tree near by to sit under then unwrapping it and taking a bite but immediately spitting it out after I was hit with a repulsive taste. I quickly check the expiration date but it hasn't gone bad while spacing off and thinking about the candy I hadn't noticed the sun go down and I am enveloped in darkness snapping out of my daze quickly after I notice there are no people out and the sun has gone down.  still hungry from my long run I look for a place that's still open.  then it hit me as I was walking by some houses a smell so sweet I fallow it blindly it lead to a two story blue house without thinking I clime up to the second story window climbing inside too hungry to care what was going to happen.  I see the corpse of a teenage girl, not fazed but overwhelmed with the erg to eat flesh and kill like I did from the party I go into a feeding frenzy not noticing the figure not too far away from the body.  I immediately rip into the corpse  taking large bites gulping them down barely even chewing them I ate so much I ate down to the bone.  Then I was rudely interrupter by a slightly smaller tackling me to the ground putting a scalpel on the jugular vein of my throat, there knees pinning my shoulders to the ground the window shudders allowing a dim ray in that was emitted by the street lights to shine in the dark room revealing the figures appearance slightly the figure whom I assumed was a he wore a navy blue mask his eye sockets were black and looked like they were dripping tar he also wore a beat up black hoodie with old blue jeans and muddy convers.

( yay you finally meet jack )

 It's taken me so long to write this so I'm posting it early I was planning on finishing the story in this part but it's taking too long so maybe next part hopefully. Sorry if it's not edited great.

character x readers/male reader seme or uke  Yaoi, Yuri and StraightWhere stories live. Discover now