Tony Stark x Seme Male Reader

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this was a request I got hope you like it


warning : tony is totally wasted

not edited

The sky was dark and the stars shone brightly along with the city light around stark tower the breeze was warm and it was the night of the charity ball.

your POV:

The stark tower lounge is stuffed to the brim with an array of New York's wealthiest individuals, all of which are completely intoxicated and ready to give there money away.  

I wasn't new at the stark tower visiting on and off through out the years to do check ups and see some old friends.  Me and tony had known each other since high school, but that's not the reason I was here this time I was actually standing in for another friend of mine, pepper.  She was on a much needed vacation and I owed her a favor so I offered to step in, she agreed with little hesitation.  

so here I was with a totally wasted tony in my arms whom was drunkenly singing some random Shakira song while throwing hundred dollar bills at people. I hurriedly pick up the money and drag tony into one off the random rooms.  ' The press is going to have a field day with this ' I think tiredly with a sigh. pulling tony into a standing position I swiftly walk to the closet pulling out a spar outfit for tony to change into that's not covered in expensive boos and possibly bodily fluids setting them down on the bed side stand.  I turn around to have tony only centimeters away from me with a drunken smile playing on his lips stepping even closer than he already was he drapes his arms around me a pink hue growing on his face as he nuzzles his head into my chest releasing a content sigh.  I grimace slightly at the strong sent of alcohol gently wrapping my arms around his waist.



" I *hic* wove yoooooouuu~"

"I'm sure you do tony"

" *hic* no reeeallly I DO~"

" tony I think you need to go to bed your drunk"

" I've *hic* loved you since high school, a-and I know *hic* y-you don't l-love me b-b-but I really love you *hic* and it's not just the alcohol!"

By the end of tony's sentence he had already started to tear up, his voice shaking lightly his fists clenching onto my dress shirt desperately hugging him closer I rest my chin on the top of his head leading him to the bed that resided in the center of the room.

" tony I do love you, but right now your drunk and your not thinking things through.  You'll probably forget all of this by morning anyway and even if you didn't what would the press think?  Now let me get you changed, you need to sleep this off."

( gonna get a little steamy )

Sitting tony on the bed I grab the cloths from the bed side table placing them down next to tony.   I slowly start to unbutton tony's dress shirt watching him to see if he wants me to stop reaching the end of the buttons I slide the shirt off his shoulders letting my hands drag against his skin as I do so never losing eye contact with him his face is a light shade of pink and his face held a serious expression which I find funny because i few moments ago it looked like he was about to pass out, wrapping his arms around my neck once more he pulls me close falling back on the bed with me keeping intense eye contact he leans in closer to my face, no only a small gap separating us I decide to close the gap causing our warm lips to connect in a passionate kiss not wasting time out pace quickly accelerates to a fast pace I gently pull and bite his lower lip occasionally.  One of my hands is pinned next to tony's head to support my weight while the other wonders his exposed torso lightly tracing his his lower abdomen drawing a quiet whimper from tony as my hand caresses him. Our kiss is now a full blown make-out session that only gets more heated, I run my tongue across his lip asking for approval, tony opens his mouth almost instantly and our tongues battle for dominance but the battle quickly ends as tony submits to me and a claim my new territory running my tongue along his causing tony to moan in bliss the need for air soon becomes too great and we separate.  I try to to move back but tony continues to cling to me his legs wrapped around my waist and his hands grasp the collar of my shirt then he looks at me with the saddest eyes and whispers.

"please don't go"

"I won't, I promise"

slowly his grip loosens and I'm free to move back, grabbing the fresh night shirt I slowly slip it over his head then quickly change his pants, through out all of which tony watched me intently running his fingers through my hair, when he broke the silence between us.

" (Y/N)... what are we "

" I think it's best of we talk about this tomorrow, now get some sleep" I give him a warm smile before wrapping him in a blanket then going to pick up his dirty clothes and putting in a laundry bin then going to leave so tony can rest.

" Wait (Y/N) please don't leave!"


"I want-...can you.. stay please"

"Very well "

walking over the the bed once again I slide under the covers next to tony once i'm settled tony moves in close giving me a soft peck on the lips then cuddling into my chest.

"Goodnight tony"


" I love ya "

"I-I love you too "

with that the two drifted into a calm sleep, wrapped in each others arms.



character x readers/male reader seme or uke  Yaoi, Yuri and StraightWhere stories live. Discover now