2.) One More Week in Hell

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It was raining of course, normal London weather, when Sofia sat in her room and thought to herself, 'Only one more week and I'll start school and get out of this hell hole.' She was getting anxious just thinking about how much longer she could stand this place. Kimberly was nice and very welcoming; don't get me wrong, but her sons...

Jacob loved to get at Sofia...bothering her was his favorite hobby, or so he told her.  

Leo being the pervert he was kept creeping her out. Sometimes she catches him peeking through her room! Yesterday, he went up to her and said, "Really nice legs you got there.", he winked and walked away....

See why I need to leave this place?!

It's been exactly two weeks since Sofia and her mom have been staying here. 'Once I start college, my Mum will find a place of her own. Any place is better than here...', she assumed.

"On Thursday, my Mum is going to be taking me over to a news show called 'The Today Show.' I'll get to stand beside her while she interviews a band called, 'One Direction.' Even though I haven't started college yet to become a journalist, my Mum is convinced that I need as much experience as possible. I love my Mum but, when has she ever even heard me say that I want to be a journalist?"

'Till Thursday, I guess I'm stuck here..'

"Hey, babe," Leo peeked through my door.

"Don't call me that," I snapped back. "And don't you knock?!"

Ignoring her remark he went on, "I've heard you're a great writer and I have a paper to turn in for school...you think you could help me?"

"No," she said as she turned her back to him.

"Look, you told me in one more week you'll leave and never have to see me again, but before then, can you at least help me with one thing?"

"Want to know why I won't help you?" he nodded and she went on, "Because you're a perv. You're annoying and have been since I got here! Now you expect me to help you?!"

He looked embarrassed and went red. "You're very pretty..."

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm guessing you're not the forgiving type?"

"How can I forgive you if you haven't apologized?!"

"I'm sorry alright! But it would mean a lot to me if you could help me out with this paper."

I stayed quiet and he began to walk away.

"Alright, fine!" I said knowing I would regret this. "But if I ever catch you staring at me, I will cut off your balls, okay?!"

"Soooooo, why would you resort to going to my balls??", Leo laughed. Then, he noticed her face was about to explode. "Haha just kidding!", and he ran out of the room.

He chuckled and then smiled.  


Things got better after she helped Leo with his paper. He began to respect her more and oddly, they were sort of becoming friends.... sort of.

He would even yell at Jacob when Jacob took his joking too far even though she was used to it by now.

Sofia was making eggs for her and the boys when her mom walked in the kitchen. "Sweetie, you are prepared for the interview tomorrow, right?"

"Um, I'm just going to stand there and watch you. Wasn't I?"

"True, but I meant have you decided what to wear. You have to look professional so please don't wear those ripped jeans you love so much."

My Good Luck Charm **UNFINISHED DON'T BOTHER**Where stories live. Discover now