3.) The Interview to Interview

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Sofia woke up badly. It was the usual case, heart pounding out of her chest, cold sweats, and headaches. But there was something different this time. Something different about the way the nightmare ended. This time instead of everything going blank, she saw what happened after the car crashed in the tree. Not the whole situation but a part of it. She remembered opening her eyes and seeing her parents completely silent. She groaned from the excruciating pain and looked out of the broken window. Tears were dripping out of her eyes like raindrops, and all she remembered feeling was terrified. Terrified that no one would come rescue them and that they would all die a slow, painful death. Then, she heard a sound from inside the car but right when she turned around to see what happened . . . she woke up. The mystery of what that sound was just lingered in the air. 

It struck her all at once that her life was like one big mystery. She didn't know what she wanted to do for the rest of her life, she was going to college for journalism, something she didn't even like. Sofia went through a whole bunch of things with her mother and she couldn't stand to see her mother hurt. She knew she should've told her earlier but she was too afraid. And then, she remembered her father. What he had said to her before he passed away. "Take every chance. Drop every fear." She got chills down her spine. She had never been healed of her damaged heart. She knew what it felt like to lose someone who meant the world to her, who listened to her, who comforted her with all the right words and quotes. She felt like she was too young to know this type of feeling. But, life is a rollercoaster and she was sure that other teens had suffered through things that were worse than her. It's not fair, she thought. Then, she remembered another one of the quotes her dad loved, "If it's meant to be, it will be." She felt the tears ready to burst out of her eyes but she pulled it together. 'I can't be like this. I have to be there for Mum, it's a big day for her. Get it together Sofia.’ she said to herself.

She got up and checked the time; she was the first one to wake up. She smiled. Usually, the first one up was Kimberly then her mom, Jacob, herself, and finally Leo. She went to the bathroom, got cleaned up, curled her hair, put on her 'professional outfit', and used some of her Reb’l Fleur perfume. She looked in the mirror & smiled. She looked different. She hadn't curled her hair in a long, long time. It was always straight. Now, she looked... Girly

She went over to the kitchen to make some coffee. While she reached to get her mug, she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around and it was Kimberly, looking as cheerful as always.

"Good Morning, Sofia. I'm surprised you're already up! Oh yeah, now I remember, the interview. Well, tell your mother I said good luck, I've got to get ready for work. And I love your hair! You're growing up you know.", Kimberly said still yawning. 

"Sure thing, Mrs. Hemsworth. And thanks a lot. Have a nice day!", Sofia said.

She turned back around and poured the coffee in the coffeemaker along with the water. Sofia couldn't wait to drink it, she was addicted to coffee. It always kept her calm; if she went one day without coffee she'd go crazy. As she was waiting for her coffee to finish up, she heard other footsteps. She turned around and it was her mom. She looked like a nervous wreck, it was so obvious.

"How did you sleep honey?", Samantha said as she yawned. What was up with the yawning? People need to wake up around here. 

"Fine, Mum", she lied. She never told her mom about the nightmares. She didn't want to stress her mom out any more than she already was.

Kimberly came out of the bathroom a couple of minutes later. "It's all yours, Sammie!", she said smiling. "Don't worry about the interview, love! It'll be okay, have a little confidence.", she reassured Samantha with a smile that could make anyone feel better.

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