6.) Four Nerf Guns and a Cook

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After my English class, I walked into the cafeteria and sat next to Nicole.

"If two people constantly call each other, face timing, texting, etc., and hanging out 24/7 isn't called dating, then what is it?" Nicole said looking up at me.

"Oh, not this again!" Nicole won't stop going on about me and Jacob.

"Answer my question and I'll stop."

"It's called being friends!" I said getting annoyed. "And what about you and Leo?"

"He's okay...and don't change the subject! Besides, that doesn't even compare to your relationship with Jacob."

I rolled my eyes at her. I mean, yeah, me and Jacob have been hanging out a lot lately, but that's what friends do. Right?

"Fine. Then what about you and Niall?" Nicole said excitedly.

"I...I don't even know. He did save my butt the other day. But he has a life, you know? He's so sweet and he's hot, I will admit, but we live in two separate worlds."

"I will never understand you. You have two hot boys going after you, one who happens to be a famous singer, and you're pushing them away."

"No I'm not! Me and Jacob hang out all the time! And I'm always texting Niall."

"You forgot the part that they both are waiting to make a move on you," she said with a smirk.

"Oh goodness...nice talking to you." I said walking away from the table and up to my dorm.

On the way up to my dorm, I got a text message from Niall.

'Hey, Sof. You know,we haven't had a proper hang out.'

'Hang out? Lol' I replied back.

'Yes! The other times I've seen you have been for work or...well, you know. No need to mention that again. Anyway, we need to hang out. You, me, and the boys.'

'You've been busy.'

'So have you.'

'True. When?'

'How about tonight?'

Tonight!? I wouldn't have time to study for my exams...or finish my essay...or iron my hair....

Still knowing all the things I had to do, I replied, 'Sure, sounds great! Xx'

'Awesome. See you later. Xx'

Once I reached my dorm, I headed for my room and laid on my bed.

I was going to hang out with One Direction...tonight...

I heard Nicole enter our room.

"Nicole! I need your help...badly," I yelled to her from my room.

"What is it? Are you still upset about what I said at lunch? If you don't like them I believe you."

"No, It's not that. Niall texted me and-"

"Awwwhhhh!" she interrupted.


"Sorry. Go on."

"Okay so, Niall texted me and he wanted to hang out."

"Then what's the problem?! And just you and him?!"

"The problem is that it's tonight and I haven't finished my essay, I have two exams to study for and I have nothing to wear for tonight! And no, it's going to be all of One Direction."

My Good Luck Charm **UNFINISHED DON'T BOTHER**Where stories live. Discover now