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"Please please move to be closer to me." Gabbie spoke through the phone along with a small sigh, "I miss my best friend."

"Gabbie, I can't just leave home, I don't have money to move. I also don't have anything to do there. I don't have a job." I joked, earning a laugh from her. Truth was, I wouldn't mind moving to be near my best friend, it actually sounded like a lot of fun, but it just seemed impossible given my circumstances (aka me being broke).

"Magnolia, you can live with me until you find a place!" She hollered like she had suddenly come up with a genius idea.

I rolled my eyes, "Gabbie, why do you call me by my full name? Maggie is so much simpler AND it doesn't make me sound older than I actually am."

"Because I love it! Plus saying Maggie sounds too much like Gabbie, so what do you say, roomie?"

"Okay so say I move with you-" I was cut off by her loud cheering, "Gabbie! Wait!"

She had settled down, taking a deep breath before saying, "Sorry, what's the matter?" I sat on a seat in my childhood bedroom, looking at a picture of Gabbie and I from when we were young, suddenly missing my best friend a lot more.

"I don't have a job! I can't just live with you forever!"

Gabbie had stopped to think for a minute before shouting, "You could finally start your YouTube career! Just like me! I have an extra camera you could use, it will be perfect for you. So what do you say?"

I could hear the hope and excitement held in her voice. The last thing I wanted to do was disappoint her, so as I took a deep breath, looking at the picture of us (her being 6 years old at the time, me just a newborn, forced to be around each other due to our parents being best friends) I finally spoke,

"Get ready Gabbie Hanna, we're about to be roommates."



I took one last glance at my bedroom, it looked so bare with all my things packed and sent to California for my new life. My mother and father were upset to see me go, but at age 21, they were excited that I was finally set out to live my young life. Not to mention they were also happy I was rooming with someone they knew, rather than a stranger.

Everything that happened after that was a blur, the goodbye to my parents, promising them I would call when I landed, going through security, the four-hour plane ride, getting into a taxi, while it was rainy might I add. Eventually, I found myself in front of Gabbie's door, which I'm not exactly sure how I knew where it was considering I've never been here before.

I could faintly hear the laughing of two females inside of the room, maybe Gabbie was unaware I was coming today.

No that's not possible, you texted her when you landed.

I looked down at my clothes, suddenly feeling insecure about the oversized hoodie and leggings I was wearing. I knew Gabbie's friend group, and I knew they were all amazing people, but I still felt like I had to impress them somehow.

I decided it was now or never to see my best friend for the first time in many years, regardless of the company she had. I had knocked four times and waited, hearing loud footsteps coming towards the door. I slightly grabbed my bag that was around my shoulders, feeling awkward.

A loud scream was the last thing I heard before I was engulfed in a bone-crushing hug from my best friend. Histronic tears streaming down her face as she said words that didn't even sound English. Gabbie and I liked to describe each other as a 'best friend soulmate'. Many people though because our age difference was quite large we wouldn't be as close, but they were wrong, we had each others backs when no one else did, and everyone deserved someone in their life like Gabbie.

"Magnolia! I'm so happy to have you here! Come in!" Gabbie grabbed my arm and tugged me into the room, pulling in my luggage behind her.

When I walked into the room, one that I've seen on many YouTube videos, I noticed there was another girl in the room, none other than Liza Koshy. She had puffy eyes but she wore a big and sweet smile on her face.

"Liza! Meet Magnolia, my best friend from my hometown. Magnolia, meet Liza, my California best friend!" Liza stood up and embraced me in a tight hug.

"Hey Liza. Please call me Maggie," I shot Gabbie a look before turning to the girl who was two inches shorter than me, "I'm a huge fan, really, your videos are amazing!"

"Awh Maggie, thanks, you're sweet, I like you!" She laughed. "Listen guys I'll leave you two to catch up, it's getting late." Liza spoke and it didn't hit me until now that it was half-past eleven.

Liza said her goodbyes and hugged us both one last time, promising to visit again to get to know me. During her hug with Gabbie, they whispered into each other's ears, suddenly making me very curious. After a minute or two, Liza left just Gabbie and I as new roomies.

"How was your flight Mag?" Gabbie turned towards me with a wide smile. "Yeah it was good, hey what was wrong with Liza, she looks upset." I quickly grabbed Gabbie's arm and pulled her down on the couch next to me.

"Oh it's nothing she's just going through some things right now, she wanted to talk about it." She shrugged like it meant nothing.

"Gabbie, I-"

"Magnolia it's not that big of a deal, so tell me, how did your flight go?"

After that, I didn't bring up Liza again, although I was still highly curious. Gabbie had told me that it wasn't anything terribly wrong and Liza would get over it, eventually, so I just let it go.

Gabbie and I spent the night discussing everything, how excited we were to be roommates, her wanting me to meet her friends, our childhood, and everything in between. That's how my first night in California ended, I don't even remember falling asleep, but I knew that as long as I was with my best friend, I'd be perfectly content.

I hope you guys liked this chapter, I'm sorry it's boring but it'll get better I promise! I have plans for this story!
stay tuned

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