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It was silent as David and I drove out of the driveway. He hadn't even bothered to put on music so I was left to my thoughts. I don't exactly know why David or I were sent to get the food. I needed to get a clear conformation as to why Kristen was so weird about David or Liza whenever we talked.

"What's going through your head?" He asked quickly taking his eyes off the road to look at me. I locked eyes with him for a second before I noticed the way he was driving, a particular way that I have never seen before. He had one leg up with his foot almost hanging out of the window. I assume he noticed my reaction because he just laughed and then looked at the road again.

"Just thinking about my chaotic months to come." I fiddled my fingers as I looked out the passenger window.

"Why will they be chaotic? Because you're friends with us now?" David joked earning a chuckle to come from me.

"Well yes theres that," I paused to laugh before continuing, "Honestly I need to get a job, buy a house, a car, you know, the adulting stuff." I watched his face to see his reaction, but there wasn't much of one.

"Zane had said something about you being a fashion designer. Can you draw?" He asked. I was confused at the random question, but then he continued. "It's almost my 420th vlog and I need some special merch, do you want to design it?"

"Are you serious?" I asked shocked, David didn't even know me, for all he knew I could be a thief or a murderer. He looked 100% serious when he nodded his head.

"Yes! David oh my god! That's so awesome, thank you." I smiled sincerely.

"Yeah of course, how much money did you bring with you before you moved here?"

"Not enough to be able to afford the other things mentioned." I smiled toward him as he also had a smile on his face. "Do you watch my vlogs?" He asked curiously. I couldn't help but to be confused as to why he's asking me so many random questions.

"I think I'm subscribed but no I only ever really watched a few. Why?" I laughed at him.

"Oh no reason." He pulled up to a red light, then looking at me to smile.

"So you live with Gabbie?" I nodded before he continued, "I haven't seen her in a while, how is she?" He resumed driving once the light had turned green.

"Busy. I love her though, I moved here because of her. She's made a lot of great friends though." I smiled to myself, I enjoyed my time with them so far.

"Who all have you met? Just us at the house?" He asked almost nervously. Him sounding nervous had made me feel nervous, and it's obvious I get nervous a lot.

"Uhm, no. When I first got the Gabbies apartment last night I was able to meet Liza and she-"

"You met Liza?"

"Yeah, She's really sweet." I looked at him to try to read anything by his body movements. He seemed just as nervous as he sounded. Every single person in this group is being weird about Liza right now and I didn't understand. I made a mental note to make Gabbie tell me everything later. "Why?"

"Oh just wondering." He said quickly before shutting of his Tesla, "We're finally here." I looked at him strangely as he got out of the car. I tried to catch up to him by rushing out of my side and over to where he was walking. As we approached the taco bell, David opened the door for me and pushed me in gently with his hand on my lower back.

I was shocked at his sudden actions. I understand that he was a gentleman but he also has a girlfriend. I didn't want to read to far into things because it was probably a gesture he was used to doing.

David walked with me to the end of the line, waiting to please our order. "Do you have the list of things they want? Zane never sent it to me." David asked. I looked up at him as he spoke, suddenly remembering what had happened not even two minutes ago. "Uh, yeah, h-hold on." I diverted my eyes from his and to my phone. Sure enough I had a message from Kristen, I didn't know she had put her number in, but apparently she did. I handed David my phone once we were next to order.

While he was ordering I couldn't focus on him. I was caught up in my thoughts. I was thinking about everything that's happened in the two days I've been here. I realized how left out I am of everything, although that's normal I couldn't help but feel a little angry at Gabbie, Heath, and Kristen. Gabbie because she made me hang out with her friends, Heath because he somehow made me go back with them, even though I didn't exactly fight him on it, and Kristen for sending me to get food with a guy I hardly knew. I knew none of my reasons were valid but it didn't stop me from being mad.

"You think a lot." David said putting his hand oh my forehead, poking it a bit. "Stop it." I smiled pushing his hand away from me. We stood there, me in front of him, waiting for our food. I wanted to ask him about Liza, Why everyone was so weird about her right now. Maybe it was a behind the scenes thing but I never noticed any feuds in the very few vlogs I had seen. I looked over at David as our number was called, I didn't want to say to myself that he was attractive, but let's be real, he's attractive. I didn't want to be that girl that crushed on a guy in a relationship though.

"Mag, stop starring off into space!" David laughed as he walked towards me with food in one hand and his camera in the other.

"I'm sorry! I can't help it sometimes." I smiled and stuck my tounge out at the camera. David smiled and opened the door for me as we walked out back to his car. Once we got inside and closed the doors, he didn't move to turn on the car.

"David what's wrong?" I turned my body in the passenger seat to look at him. He had a sad expression on his face. ""Can I trust you?" He asked, looking at me nervously. I gave him a weird look before he continued. "Like, you won't go and post anything I tell you?"

"Obviously not David, what's wrong?" I was slightly worried, had I done something to upset him? Was he angry at me? I had never heard him sound more serious then he did at this moment. "I want to tell you something, hardly anyone knows besides Gabbie and Scott."

"Yeah you can tell me anything." I put a sympathetic hand on his that sat on his knee. I felt him tense but then relax. I realized how wrong of me it was to comfort him like that, he had a-

"Liza broke up with me three months ago."

I starred at him wide eyed. I didn't know what to say to him. Shock was running through me right now, this must have been the secret everyone had about Liza.

"We have kept it a secret from our friends the whole time but we still don't want to tell the public yet." He looked at me, hopelessly waiting for a response.

"I'm so sorry David. Can I ask why?" I realized I had my hand on his still, but neither of us bothered to move it. "You know, we are just doing our own things, We're so young and everything... it was just a lot."

"Yeah I get it." I gave him a reassuring smile. I didn't really know what to tell him at the time, first of all him and I weren't to close, I'm actually shocked he trusted me enough already to tell me. I noticed how unhelpful I was being right now. He was in a completely vulnerable spot and I didn't know how to comfort him. I gave his hand a tight squeeze and a small smile.

I think he noticed my struggle to respond, quickly forming a smile on his face. "Hey why don't we get these tacos back to our friends."

He said our friends! How cute! Sooooo Maggie finally knows the big secret! I'm so excited for this story y'all have no idea like I have every chapter planned out until the end😊 stay tuned

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