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Three days later, I was still waking up in my teenage bedroom. I was surrounded by One Direction posters and teddy bears.

I haven't talked to David since I texted him a few days ago telling him I had a niece. To be honest, it was really refreshing. I liked being away from something that might bring me pain whenever I see it.

Last night David had posted another vlog and of course Liza was in it. They also posted photos on their Instagrams about their break up. They obviously mentioned how they still loved each other and were definitely still best friends.

I was upset at first but I kept telling myself that David was not my boyfriend. I needed to find a way to explain that to the fans because I was still receiving an abundant amount of hate online.

They all admitted that I came to Los Angeles three months after the break up, but somehow it was still my fault. I was one hundred percent over it.

I also bonded with my little niece Jade a lot. She was so sweet and she absolutely loved me. Luke on the other hand found David's vlog of me meeting Josh Peck and he was extremely jealous. It was weird seeing myself in David's vlog, especially now.

Today was the day I finally found the courage to go back to my life in LA. I was ready to be with my friends again. Even if some of them didn't know I was coming back...

After I got myself ready for my plane ride, I quickly texted Gabbie that I was coming home today but of course she was doing a collab with Shane. So I texted Kristen to see if she could pick me up, which she happily agreed to.

I said my goodbyes to my family, who I promised to visit again soon. My mother told me that if David really liked me, I would know. I didn't know what that meant, however, but I didn't question her.

I gave an extra long hug to Luke, telling him I loved him and we'd need to keep in contact more. He promised to come visit me once I had a house on my own as well. He didn't forget to mention Jade would be coming as well once she pouted when he didn't mention her.

Once I was seated on the plane was when it really hit me, it was soon going to be time to face reality. I couldn't avoid David forever. I didn't want to avoid him either. Regardless if I wasn't his best friend, he was definetly mine.


"Kristen! Oh my god I missed you!" I exclaimed as I got into her car, hugging her over the console.

"Waffle pig! I missed you. How was your trip?" She asked as she started to drive out of the airport pick up area.

"It was really fun. I didn't realize how much I missed my family." I admitted.

"You just loved us so much you had to come back!" She laughed.

"Yeah I missed you all so much."

"Well somebody missed you." She said looking over at me once we stopped at a red light. I rose my eyebrow at her, expecting her to finish saying who missed me. For all I know, it could have been Zane.

"David talked about you a lot. He feels bad."

"Why does he feel bad?"

"Cause every time his subscribers see him with a girl that isn't Liza they freak out. Obviously they thought the two were still a couple when you started appearing in the vlogs so you weren't a problem. It's now that people know he's single and they think you're trying to get his money." She explain looking over at me every few seconds.

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