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"David I really don't want to be that couple." I groaned from the inside of the bathroom.

"Come on we're going to look so cute!" David said from the other side of the door.

I rolled my eyes and looked at my reflection in the mirror. David had handed me a bag and told me to put the clothes that were inside it, on. Apparently Natalie had picked it out for me.

I had on hoop earrings and a red and white striped shirt paired with jean shorts. I tied my hair into a cute messy bun, much to my surprise.

"Magnolia come out!"

I rolled my eyes yet again but swung open the door. There David stood wearing a blue button up shirt with white stars all over it. He also had a blue bandana wrapped around his head. He had his camera in his hand recording me as he did his cackle laugh.

"Oh my god." I mumbled into my hands and I chuckled.

"How did I let you convince me into wearing this?" I asked with a big smile on my face.

"You look cute!" He laughed and then shut off his camera. "Come on, let's go to the house." He mumbled while taking my hand in his.

Our plan for today was to go over to Scotty and Kristens house for a little Fourth of July party with the rest of the gang. During the party David was going to go record a bit with Jonah and Brandon while Corinna and I helped Kristen record a 'Cooking with Kristen'. Then after that David would come back to get me and we would go back to his house and watch the fireworks together.

We wasted no time to pull up at the house. We still hadn't told any of our friends that we were officially boyfriend and girlfriend and David thought that this was as good a time as any to tell them.

When we got out of the car I waited for David to walk around to my side before we headed to the front door. "You ready?" David asked looking down at me.

"You know what? I actually am." I said with a confident smile on my face. Honestly I was a little worried about the Girl Squad finding out. They share everything in our groupchat and them finding out I was keeping a secret could make them upset. Hopefully not for long.

David grinned at me before grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers together, with his camera in his other hand, he was ready to go.

We walked across the street and straight into the house, only to find no one was in the living room. From all the chaos we could hear, we could tell the party was in the back yard.

David pulled me through the house and eventually out the sliding doors to the back yard.

It took a minute, but as soon as Jason spotted our hands and yelled "What the hell?!" Everyone at the party turned to look at us.

I watched specifically at Kristens face. Her opinion is the one I care about most. It took another few seconds before anyone reacted.

All throughout the party was shocked faces and Link, who was chewing on Scott's shoe laces.

"Surprise?" David said a little uneasy. I could see some kind of emotion going through him mind, but I couldn't tell what it was.

Maybe he was regreting this whole thing. We should have just come as friends.

"Its about God damn time." Toddy yelled from the behind Scott. Thus led to a bunch of cheering from the crowd. Kristen had a wide smile on her face as I grinned back at her.

"Congratulations guys! We all saw it coming." Heath said to us. David rolled his eyes and nudged his shoulder with Heaths.

Zane and Matt suddenly ended up in an intense stare down, causing a small group to form around them. David and I made our way over there. I'm just going to assume that they are pretending.

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