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"And here we have Todd and Maggie, guys, I'm gonna blindfold you both and make you lay down." David laughs as he points the camera at us. Todd threw his hands up in the air and I tried to run away, but Zane caught me. I guess you could say after two weeks I had become close with the whole vlog squad and I was in many of their videos, mostly David's though.

"David, no! I will not do this!" I yelled at him trying to get out of Zanes arms. I huffed and gave up but I refused to lay down.

"Come on Mags, this is your first time, please?" David begged. I rolled my eyes earning a loud laugh from Zane.

"It shouldn't be too bad." Zane smiled at us.

"Has he done it to you?" Todd asked stepping closer to me.

"Oh hell no, I will not let him do these to me anymore." Zane replied earning a shrug from David.

David lead us into Todd's room, as Todd and I both complained about how much we didn't want to do this.

"Now Maggie, before you lay down on this bed, I want to warn you. You might get pregnant."

"Shut up David." Todd laughed and promised me he had just cleaned the sheets. I was kind of grossed out but I laid down anyways. I held Todd's arm tightly as Zane carefully blindfolded us.

"Okay are you guys ready?"

"No not really." Todd and I said at the same time. I could hear David laugh as something heavy was set on my stomach. A scream left my mouth as I could hear David continuing to laugh.

"David! Oh my God. Is it a bear?" I squealed when I felt it lick my arm.

"Nope not a bear." He laughed again. Once I heard a little bark I ripped my blindfold off and looked at the little brown dog on my lap. "Oh my gosh! David!" I yelled slowly picking up the pet. Todd sat up next to me immediately petting the dog as well.

"Is it mine?" I asked hopelessly. David shook his head no earning a pout from me. "But he's so cute." I whined making Todd laugh. Todd quickly took out his phone and took a picture of the dog. Then I asked him to take a picture of me and the dog that I would post later. Before I moved to L.A. I hardly ever posted on my media's. Once David followed me and shouted out my Instagram it boomed with followers. I didn't plan on using it even then but David insisted.

"He's actually one of my friends dogs. I'm dog sitting him. His name is Lucas."

"Aww Lucas. I love you." I kissed his little nose and hugged him tighter. I passed the dog to Todd who was complaining that I was hogging Lucas. David shut off his camera and came and sat next to us. "He's adorable." David said reaching over me to scratch the dogs head.

"Dobrik someday you better buy me a dog." I looked at him seriously but a smile playing on my face. He winked quickly before waving at Jason who had just walked into the room with Trisha. Why can't I just decide if I like him or not? Who even winks anymore anyways?

Trisha smiled at me once she sat down at Todd's computer chair. Over my time here, I had met Trisha and we had become good friends. She often told me about her problems with Jason and I always listened and offered her advice, though that never stopped them from fighting all the time.

"Oh, whose this little guy?" Jason asked stepping by the bed to pet Lucas. "Not Maggie's dog." David joked earning a shove from me. "He's Lucas!" Todd answered Jason's question, getting on the ground to play with Lucas.

Through the next few minutes Lucas's little barks could be heard throughout the house along with the whole group chatting and joking. I had ended up laying down across Todd's bed, my legs went over David's lap, but not by my own doing. David leaned back against the wall and laid my legs across his, resting his palms on my lower legs.

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