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Lily Potter, 3:00p.m, After the disappearance of Harry, Godric's Hallow.

That night, only Lily felt the sadness for losing a child. James didn't even notice they're missing a child. Lily sighed before Gemma's giggle made her smile softly again, pushing her sadness away.

At least they took the wrong child... Right?

Bellatrix Lestrange, 5 years later, Malfoy Manor.

"Dray! Give me back my potions book! That was Uncle Severus's gift!" Hadrian yelled playfully as Draco ran off with the new potions book Severus had gotten him for his 6th birthday. "Never!" Draco yelled back, before Hadrian's frown made him scramble back to the boy's side, apologizing quickly. "Hadri, please don't be mad at me!" Hadrian giggled softly, before shaking his head.

"I'd never be mad at you, Dray! You're my best friend!" The two boys laughed softly as Bella and Cissa watched from the sofa, smiling softly.

"You know, when they're 11 they have to go to Hogwarts, right?" Cissy whispered softly, making Bella sigh sadly, nodding. "I know, Cissa. And I'm worried that Dumbledick would realise that this is Harry." Bella turned to her sister, who hugged her softly as the black haired cried softly in her arms.

"I don't want him to go, Cissa. He's only known us as family..." Bella sobbed quietly, making Narcissa turn to Lucius, who was watching the two with sad and pity.

Lucius and Narcissa know about Hadrian being the chosen one but they were too used to having the little energy ball entertaining them. In fact, Bella even changed them as his Godparents, not her cousin Sirius.

A few hours after the birthday party the two families were just relaxing in front of the fireplace when a sudden letter from Sirius surprised them all.

Dear Bella!

How are you, Cousin? Hope you are well with Cissy and Lucius, as well as your son Hadri and Dray. How are the two rascals anyways? Gemma is well, thankfully. Can I come visit you? All of you?

Love, Sirius ♡

Bella and Cissa wasn't expecting that but had reluctantly agreed to invite the Grim hound animagus to the Malfoy Manor. This visit from Sirius had Hadrian and Draco excited, since they've never met anyone other than Lucius, Narcissa, Bella, Pansy, Blaise, Greg, Vincent and Severus.

Two days later, Hadrian woke up to the sound of chattering downstairs and Draco sleeping beside him. You see, Draco and Hadri tend to have nightmares that only one or the other can wake them up from. At first they were in different rooms but eh, over time, Bella allowed Hadri to sleep with Draco.

"Dray. Dray, wake up! I think Sirius is already here!" Hadrian said excitedly, as he shook his best friend lightly, the latter groaning tiredly, making Hadrian giggled lightly before moving to go downstairs, but Draco pulled him back, wrapping an arm around the smaller boy.

Hadrian giggled again, this was a normal thing for Draco and him. One would make a move, most likely Hadrian, then one would just pull them back to bed, trapping them in their arms, most likely Draco.

"Dray, we need to go downstairs! It's rude to not see our guests." Draco only grumbled in response, burying his head into Hadrian's hair. "Dray, I promise after this meeting we can have a short nap. C'mon, I wanna see my uncle! Don't you wanna see him too?" Hadri asked, making the blond look at him with a soft glare but nodding and getting up.


I'm doing these chapters shorter than my normal book, okay?

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