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Hadrian Calius LeStrange, The Room With The Ceberus, 3:30a.m

Music! That's it! Hadrian thought, smiling. He had been sitting on the floor for about twenty minutes thinking of a way to distract the Ceberus. Now, there must be more protections downstairs to protect the Stone... Hmm... if the staffs have a hand in it... The strongest one will be either in the middle or the end... He thought about the teachers.

So Professor Sprout's would probably have something to do with plants, McGonagall will probably have some massive transfigured item, Severus probably includes Muggle logic and potions, Quirell will include trolls and Flitwick has charms... He sighed, before summoning his flute that was a gift from Hagrid when he was 7.

He played a soft melody, one that resembles Hedwig's hoots. He smiled as the Ceberus fell asleep, it's paw covering the trapdoor. He wandlessly moved it away softly, before jumping in, leaving the flute to play by itself. As soon as he landed on the soft, squishy plant, he immediately grabbed his wand.

"Lumos Maxima." He said, making a bright gold light appear at the end of his wand, as the plant unwrap itself from Hadrian and backed into a corner. Devil's Snare, hmm? He smirked.

He carefully made his way towards the door, opening it to see a gigantic chess set. As soon as he closed the door the chess set looked at him awaiting his move. McGonagall's. He thought, before smiling. Thank Merlin Mother decided to teach me to play chess. He thought gratefully, before sighing and sat down, beginning to direct the pieces.

After about an hour of playing, he finally got checkmate. "Thank you." He said, bowing before moving to the next door. And was he surprised. "Keys." He whispered, before turning on his Seeker senses. Keyhole is silver, so the key must be silver. All of these keys are gold except... that one! He thought before grabbing one of the brooms and flying off to catch it.

It took ten minutes but he finally managed to catch it, before softly entered it inside the keyhole, making sure to not damage its wings. He closed the door before the smell of a troll hit his nose. Shit that stinks. He thought, holding in his barf. He silently tied it up with conjured ropes, and stunned it with the strongest stunning spells he ever knew, which was his own version of the Petrificus.

He moved towards the next room and was met with... potions. The door he just came from was engulfed in purple flames and the next door was engulfed in black flames. He sighed, before picking up the paper. He read the riddle quickly, before thinking deeply.

The smallest one... a voice inside him whispered, making him shrug before picking it up. He drank it slowly, before placing it back and watched it refilled itself, before walking through the black flames. He sighed in relief as he didn't get burned, before he faced the last challenge... which was a mirror.

I show not your face but your deepest desires... he read out the words, before looking directly inside the mirror, expecting to see fame or Voldemort ruling the world, but instead he was faced with... "Draco?" He mumbled, as his best friend's face twisted into a smile. Before he knew it, he took out the blood red stone from his pocket and put it back in, before Hadrian felt the weight of the Stone in his own.

I don't get it... why would Draco be my deepest desire? He questioned, before a male similar as him appeared behind Mirror Draco, kissing his cheek. O-Oh... he thought, smiling softly. "That's kinda what I wanted at least." He said, smiling at the mirror. It's true. All he wanted was Draco to be here.

He travelled back to the room with the Ceberus, to which he noticed the collar around all three heads. He softly picked it up, smiling when he saw the name, 'Fluffy'.

He needs to talk with Hagrid about pet names.

Back at the Tower...

Hadrian walked through the half asleep portrait quietly, before crashing into the body of Draconian Lucius Malfoy-Black, his best friend/crush. "And where have you been, Hadri?" He asked, making Hadrian smile. "I've been out getting this. It might help the Dark Lord rise again." He said, showing Draco the Stone.

And that's how he ended up here, in his dorm room with all four of his bestest friends, studying and researching more about the stone before giving it to their Dark Lord, before the topic of Christmas arose.

It's November though... Hadrian thought in amusement when he heard the plans Hermione had for Christmas this year. "We always have an Annual Malfoy-Black Winter Ball at the Manor. I'll send mother and father a letter to ask if they allow you guys to attend." Draco, who seemed to have forgotten that Hadrian was a resident at the Malfoy Manor, said, smiling at all of them.

"Um, Dray, I don't need an invitation since, you know, I'm one of the hosts..." He said, making Draco blush in embarrassment and the rest your laugh. "You're cute when you blush." Hadrian said softly, not realising he actually said that aloud.

The three ignored it, as they thought it was normal for them to be this affectionate while Draco was stunned, before he smiled widely.

They continued their research quietly, the air filled with the excitement for Christmas.


Two updates in a day!? Happy early Thanksgiving :)

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