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Hadrian Calius LeStrange, Malfoy Manor, 12:00 p.m.

"Sirius! So good to see you again!" Bella said genuinely. She had missed her favourite crazy cousin after he was disowned. "Bella! How are you all? Hadrian is 6 this year, correct?" Sirius asked pleasantly, his curiousity for his young nephew strong. "Of course! And Gem is 6 this year as well, if I recall? Along with Harry?" Bella asked, a glint of mischievousness in her indigo blue eyes.

Sirius noticed this and laughed. "Of course. It's a pity that he went missing. He could've been one of us since James doesn't care, he's planning to turn Gemma into one." Sirius said, smiling. "Yeah. And Hadrian is going to be one of us as well." Bella smirked, making Sirius grin.

"Of course. Draco is too, I'm hoping?" Sirius asked, making Narcissa grin. "If he's not I'm dissatisfied." The family laughed softly before walking to the Dining room, where Hadri and Draco were waiting.

Hadrian Calius LeStrange, 5 years later...

"Hadrian! Draco! Look what came with the owls!" Bella said, making both boys look up from their books. Hadrian was reading Hogwarts: A History and Draco was reading Magic: Basics and Advanced.

"Yes, mother?" Hadrian closed his book softly, making Draco do the same befpre Bellatrix handed them two letters with the Hogwarts crest.  Both boys just looked at the letters in shock, before a burst of Magical energy made Bella flew into one of the bookshelves.

"Mother!" Hadrian immediately went to help, putting healing charms and spells on the cuts and bruises that were forming.

"Hadrian, don't worry darling. See? You've patched me up good as new!" Bella was still feeling a bit sore but was happy for her son. The both boys opened the letter curiously and carefully before squealing. "Look mother!"

Dear Mr. LeStrange,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress.

They got ready later that evening to go to Diagon Alley. Bellatrix and Narcissa had already send a reply to Hogwarts and we're accompanying the boys as Lucius was helping Sirius get to know Wizengamot better, as he is the new Lord Black.

As soon as they Apparated to Diagon Alley, Draco and Hadrian were shocked at the amount of Witches and Wizards there. They went to Flourish and Blott's to get the necessary books and other items before moving to Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions. "Hogwarts, dears?"

The two introverted boys nodded shyly, making Bella and Narcissa grin before handing over their measurements.

"And what kind of clasp would you gentlemen prefer?" Draco chose a Dragon while Hadrian chose the Orion constellation. When asked why, he answered simply, "Because Uncle Sirius and Mother is from the Orion constellation,  which is Grandfather Orion's real name." Hadrian didn't notice the fact that Bella and Cissy almost cried.

Soon, after they had got their robes, Bella and Cissy took them to Knockturn. There, they went to pick out their wands. Well, more like make their own. At a place called 'Frisk's Wands'.

"Good morning Frisk. My son and his cousin would like a wand, each." The kind looking man grinned. "Ah, yes. Mr LeStrange and Mr Malfoy. Come. You first, Mr Malfoy." Draco slowly stood forward, as blocks of wood appeared on the table.

"Wave your hand above the blocks and pick the ones calling to you." Draco nodded, before waving his hand slowly over the blocks.

Soon, Draco had 2 types of wood in front of him. "Ah, Alder and Ebony. Very interesting combination but it's nothing I haven't worked with. Now, the cores." The blocks dissappear and was replaced with jars of glowing substance and Draco did the same motion as before.

Soon, 2 cores stood in front of him. "Pudwudgie and Pheonix tail feathers,  hm? Nothing that's problematic to me." Frisk smiled, before 5 types of material appeared. "Last thing; handles." Draco waved over then and one material stood out.

"Goblin steel. You have a very strong wand, good for Transfiguration, Charms, Defence and might help you a little bit with casting powerful Dark Magic."

Draco nodded, before the items came together and out came a beautiful wand. "13 3/4 inches. Nice and supple." Draco held it and his magic immediately flared, making the wand release purple and white sparks.

Hadrian's turn was up, making Frisk summoned the blocks of wood again. Hadrian copied what Draco did and felt three pulls, making him pick each out each one. "English Oak, Apple and Acacia. Interesting... Anyways," Frisk summoned the cores, "your cores, Mr LeStrange." Hadrian nodded, before he felt 3 pulls.

He again picked them out, kind of shocking Frisk. "Basilisk venom, Pheonix tears and Unicorn blood, willingly given of course." Lastly, he summoned in the handle. Hadrian felt a pull and directed towards it, making Frisk smile. "Ah, Dragon skin. Nice." Frisk said, making Hadrian raise an eyebrow but he said nothing.

Frisk put all of the items together and it became this wonderful multicolour wand. "It's is useful in Charms and casting Dark Magic and this will help you with Divination." Hadrian nodded, softly holding it. The magic in his flared slightly, not meaning he is weak, but that he is already powerful even without his wand.

"12 1/2 inches, slightly bendy." Hadrian smiled, before Narcissa payed for both wands. "Hold on! Since you two don't have holders, you can have these Dragon hide holders for 2 Knuts." Draco and Hadrian looked at Bellatrix and Narcissa, before they nodded and payed 4 Knuts. "Thank you!"

They moved on to the pets store and instantly Hadrian and Draco felt a strong pull. "Oh I think we have familiars here!" Hadrian told him mother before walking around to find his familiar. Soon, he stopped in front of a cage with a beautiful snowy owl. It looked at him curiously, before hooting softly. "Hello, little one. I'm guessing you're my familiar." The owl hooted in agreement,  before Bella appeared by his side. "An owl huh? Certainly, it's easy for you to send and receive letters. Come, let's pay." Hadrian had a wide smile when he saw Draco with a black as night eagle owl on his shoulder.

"Welcome to the family, Hedwig LeStrange."


I'm so sorry for not updating in so long! I was busy with a portfolio about Geography at school and the stress of a massively important exam in September so yeah...

Anyways! Hope you had enjoyed this chapter massively! :)

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