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Draconian Lucius Malfoy-Black, Unity Dorms, 7:30am

Who knew Christmas came so fast? It felt like it was just yesterday when Thanksgiving rolled around. Anyways, Draco was busy packing his things for his trip home when Neville screamed. "Nev, what's wrong?!" Hadrian and him asked immediately,  running to the Common Room only to see Dobby crying and Flickr, the family goblin in the Common Room and Neville fainted beside them.

"Flickr, Dobby, what's going on? Why is our friend fainted?" The rest of Unity have either gone home or at lunch, Hermione and Gemma included in the former. These three went home the next day, as their parents and caretakers have something important and couldn't take them that day.

"M-Master Draco, Master H-Hadrian, your p-parents... they're in A-Azkaban..." Dobby said as he hiccuped. Flickr looked at the two she'll shocked boys with sympathy. "What?!" Hadrian exclaimed in shock. "Apparently there was something in you mother's vault that ties in strongly with Lord Voldemort, which was a Horcrux, and another one in the Malfoy trust vault." Flickr explained, before Hadrian fainted.

"Hadri!" Draco managed to catch him in time, even if he himself was a little nauseous. "B-But why is Neville fainted as well?" He asked, laying Hadrian and Neville on the sofa, before he sat on one of the armchairs and the two creatures sat across from him.

"Apparently his grandmother was visiting them during the arrest, and she was caught in the crossfire, earning her a spot in Azkaban too..." Flickr said, as Dobby sobbed softly. "But that's impossible..." Draco said, wiping away his building tears.

Before the creatures could continue explaining, Professor Quirell, Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall came in, looking blue and down. "What happened to Mr. LeStrange and Mr. Longbottom, Mr. Malfoy? And why is there a house-elf and a goblin here?" Professor Snape asked, his voice laced with concern.

"The goblin and the house-elf is my family's. They came here to...explain what happened..." Draco said, wiping more stray tears. Professor Snape didn't waste time before hugging his nephew in comfort, as the young boy cried softly in his arms. "Why?" He whispered between sobs, making Snape sigh.

"I don't know, Dragon. I don't know." After a few more minutes, Draco fell asleep from the exhaustion of crying, making Snape lay him down beside his two friends. "That man has gone way too far." Snape growled, making Quirell nod and McGonagall sigh in sympathy for the three boys.

"They're too young to be faced with these problems... My lord, Hadrian has the Stone, so you better go and prepare for the ceremony." Snape said softly, making Quirell nod as McGonagall sighed again. "Come, Minerva. We need your help, as always." McGonagall didn't hesitate, even when her Dark Mark prickled slightly as the Dark Lord said her name.

Who knew that Hogwarts held the most Death Eaters? (Sirius, James, Lily, Snape, Remus, McGonagall, Astoria, Trelawney*, Sprout)

A few hours later... (Hadrian's PoV)

Draco sleepily got up, his dry tear marks made him look messy. "Dray, are you okay?" He heard Hadrian asked, making him hum in agreement before the tears came back. "Where are we going to live, Hadri?" He sobbed into the raven haired boy's arms, as the latter shushed him gently, whispering sweet nothing in his ear to calm the blonde down.

"I don't know, Dray, but hopefully Uncle Severus can take care of us. Who knows what kind of people dreaming to steal our manor." Hadrian said, before Neville groaned and sat up, rubbing his forehead. "Ugh I just had the weirdest dream where a house-elf just told me my Grandmother is in Azkaban." He chuckled, but based on the tears flowing down from Draco's eyes and Hadrian's own red eyes he knew it wasn't a dream.

"O-Oh..." Was all he could utter before breaking into tears. The two boys hugged him softly, as they all cried together in silence. Hadrian could feel a slight shift in the Calming aura surrounding them, so he lift his head up to see a man around the age of 20-ish looking back at their group, with Snape, McGonagall, Trelawney, Sirius, Astoria and Sprout all standing behind him.

"Hadrian Calius LeStrange, Draconian Lucius Malfoy-Black and Neville Frank Longbottom, Heirs to Salazar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor and Helga Hufflepuff, please stand up." They all wiped their tears away before standing up, looking at the floor as he sounded like someone who you shouldn't cross.

"Do you know who I am?" Hadrian glanced at the man's face, before realising those blood red eyes. "You are Lord Voldemort, formerly known as Thomas Marvolo Riddle." Hadrian said, bowing slightly, making Draco and Neville bow as well.

"Good, rise. I heard your parents and caretaker got unwillingly thrown into Azkaban?" Hadrian and the boys nodded, still not daring to look at the man's face. "Come, you three. We're going to Malfoy Manor for a short meeting on how we're supposed to get them and the rest of my captured followers back." He said, before walking out of the tower.

"Did you guys bring him back?" Hadrian asked, making Snape,  McGonagall and Sirius smile. "You helped. Thanks for the Stone." Sirius said, fist-bumping the boy. "Not a problem. So should we get ready?" Hadrian asked, as the Dark Lord smiled softly watching the interaction.

At the Malfoy Manor...

Hadrian sighed, missing his mother. "Bhity." He said, before his elf popped in front of him. "Yes, Hadri?" He said, his eyes awaiting his orders. "Can you please prepare the guest rooms? We have a few people that will be staying here." The elf nodded before popping away. "Are you temporary head house?" The Dark Lord asked the boy, who nodded.

"If the Malfoys aren't here, it's mother who is head of house. But since they're all not here the responsibility is handed to me. I am a few months older than Draco so that makes me head house." He explained throughly as Flint, another house elf, put away their luggages at their rooms.


:) I hope you enjoyed. Sorry for the sudden conflict XD

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