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Hadrian Calius LeStrange, Great Hall, Hogwarts.

"Why do exams exists?" Draco sighed, as they were studying under a Willow. As soon as they had arrived, Hermione proposed that they studied early, so they can prepare. Apparently the teachers had the same mindset as her, as a week after their studies began the homework became increasingly difficult and multiply in number.

Hadrian and the rest took Sirius's advice and occasionally study outside in the sun, the cool spring breeze help ease their minds to study as most students watched them with jealousy, knowing that no matter what they do they'll still score a high mark. Which is why they're outside right now, under a Willow,  which Hadrian had make sure that it's not the Whomping Willow.

"Because we need to test our knowledge, Draco. What are the seven main potions used in battle?" Hermione said, shooting a question. "Healing, Invisibility, Speed, Accuracy, Strength, Flight and Animal Talk. Where do you get bezoar?"

"Goat's stomach. Again, what is the use of Wolfsbane?" Hadrian smiled, turning his attention from the lakes to her. "To make a potion called the 'Wolfsbane Potion', which will give a werewolf control of their minds and not hurt themselves or others. Neville how do you stop Devil's Snare?" Neville smiled. "By using either light or a fire. Gemma how do you get Mandrake Draught?"

Gemma smiled. "By harvesting the Mandrakes. We have to wait until they're fully grown to harvest. Hermione what should you do if you met a Basilisk?" Hermione smiled. "You use a mirror to see the reflection of its eyes so you'll be petrified instead of being killed. Draco how do you harvest Thestral hair?" Draco smiled.

"You can see the Thestrals if you've seen the death of a person. And if you can, you'll get their hairs if you're nice enough to them." Draco said, his eyes softening. "Draco, want to show them?" Draco looked at Hadrian, who was smiling softly.

"Expecto Patronum." Draco gave in, calmly saying the spell, as a giant horse appeared from his wand. "A Thestral! Wow..." Neville said, smiling softly. "A thestral? Where?" Hermione asked, looking around. "Wait, you can't see this?" Gemma asked the girl, who shook her head.

"Neville, Gemma, how could you guys see this?" Hadrian asked, gesturing to the big horse that's being softly petted by Draco, before vanishing. "I saw the death of my uncle." Neville said, before turning to Gemma. "Voldemort, remember? Hadrian?" Hadrian sighed. "I saw Draco's grandfather died. He did too, that's why we both could see this." Hadrian said, smiling sadly.

"What is your patronus?" Hermione asked, putting down her Defence Against the Dark Arts textbook. "Expecto Patronum." He said, before a stag appeared, its antlers big and majestic. "Woah, that's so cool!" The girls said,  as Neville smiled. "Neat." Draco smiled at his friends. "Wanna learn how to do these?" The three friends nodded, smiling widely.

At the ROR...

"So think of your best memory, one that'll make you feel comforted and happy." Hadrian advised, smiling as his friends started closing their eyes and grinned. "Now say 'Expecto Patronum' with confidence."

In a matter of seconds, three misty animals appeared in front of them, making Hadrian and Draco whistle. Neville had a horse, its type still unknown, Hermione had an otter, meanwhile Gemma has very unique animal. "A niffler? Woah..." Gemma said, petting the small animal.

"Okay, you guys can stop, since a patronus takes a lot of energy to keep still." Hadrian said, making the three vanish their patronus. "What are Patronuses for?" Draco asked the three. "They're used as protection against Dark creatures, such as a Dementor, which we don't have to fear and Nightmares." Hadrian  said, smiling when none of his friends answered, but it's fine.

"What's a Nightmare? Are they bad dreams?" Hermione asked, making Gemma shake her head. "Nightmares are these weird and scary horses, they look like Thestrals, but behave like Boggarts. Only with Boggarts, they use your fear as a defence, a Nightmare uses your fears to distract you, then they'll feast on you."

Gemma explained, shuddering as she kept her things in her knapsack. "You sound like you've had experience." Neville said, as they walked through the halls to go back to the Unity tower so they can keep away their stuff and eat.

"I did. My family and I were in Albania on a family trip, when a gigantic horse jumped in front of me. I froze on the spot when I saw my greatest fear in front of me, before it disappeared as my father casted his patronus." Gemma said, shuddering before they arrived at the portrait.


After the boys and girls reunite in the Common Room, Gemma was the center of attention as they walked to the Hall. "What was your greatest fear?" Gemma sighed. "I saw my parents. On the floor. Dead and covered in blood. A knife buried deep in their guts." Gemma said, shuddering for the third time. Hadrian pat her shoulders softly, giving her some type of comfort.

"Funny, you know. I was expecting Voldemort or something else like a Dementor because before that we found a Dementor, but it's always that." Hadrian caught this. "Always? What do you mean?" Gemma smiled.

"The Potter Manor has a lot of Boggarts hiding in its closets and unused rooms, so I've seen my fair share of dead parents to just get shocked and cast a Riddikulus. But now I can also cast my Patronus." Gemma said, smiling.

There's more to her than I thought... Hadrian thought, as they sat at the Unity table, where most of their peers are holding books or mumbling spells as they ate.


Sorry that yesterday's update was so slow, my Internet ran out...

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