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Hadrian Calius LeStrange, Great Hall, Hogwarts.

...we all be in a house where it supports all the houses traits?

The hat hummed in thought, before it laughed. You truly are Salazar's greatest heir. No, Tom Riddle doesn't count. Hadrian smiled. So, is the name Unity okay? Hadrian thought about it. Yeah, that's perfect. Maybe make sure a few older years are entered as well... Having a house with only 1st years is... disastrous.

Ah, I see you've thought about it. Are you ready? He chuckled. I always am. "Alright, then... UNITY!" The whole school gasped, before a 5th table appeared and a silver with golden trimmings appeared beside the Slytherin banner. The animal was an Owl, its beak sharp and its wings expanded.

"Unity?" Hermione asked, before a bright light engulfed her. This also happened to a fair few members of different houses and a few first years.

Suddenly, they were all wearing black robes with silver trimmings and the initials written in gold above their hearts. "You are all Unity. Professor Astoria, you are the head of this house. The Unity tower, a newly made tower, is available on the 5th corridor. The password are in you robe pockets." Hadrian, who had already sat down, smiled. "Thank you, Lady Hogwarts!" He exclaimed, making all of Unity say the same.

"You are welcome, Hadrian LeStrange." The new house members went to the new table and sat down, all getting to know each other better. Hermione, Draco, Neville and Gemma sat either beside or across from him, before a one of the red haired twins greeted themselves.

"I'm Forge Weasley, and this is my brother Gred Weasley." Hadrian and his group greeted themselves, making the twins smile.

"Well, aren't we lucky, Fred? We have a bunch of Purebloods here! Hey,  wanna help us with a few pranks?" The group lit up. "We would love too!" Draco replied, making the twins grin. "We were planning on pranking soon. Any ideas?" Hadrian piped up, ignoring Dumbledore's speech.

"How about we use the Metamorpho Potion? This potion makes the hairs of the people who drank it change colours, so putting it in the drinks served would be amazing to see. But we would have to use it on ourselves too, so the school doesn't expect it." The twins smirked.

"Wow, we can guess that you are a potions brewer, then? Because that is amazing." Hadrian blushed, making the table laugh before the food was served.

After the Feast...

Draco, Hadrian, Neville and Hermione all stood up after the feast is finished to go to the 3rd floor. "Lady Hogwarts?" Hadrian was confused when all that met them was a portrait of a Deer and its Doe relaxing under a tree. "Say 'Founders' and the portrait  will open." Hadrian smiled.

"Thank you, Lady Hogwarts." Draco said, before Hermione stepped forth. "Founders." The portrait spun open softly, revealing a nice silver chamber, with black and red furniture and a copper coloured fireplace.

"Wow, it's beautiful." The four Heirs said together, before looking at each other and giggling. "Ah! Our Heirs are- Ric wake up!" Salazar's voice echoed around them, before four transparent ghosts appeared. "The Founders!" Hermione yelled slightly, making Godric, Helga and Rowena laugh as Salazar grinned softly.

"Welcome, our Heirs. You have been chosen after we saw and felt the impact of your magic when the Ancient Sacred Book wrote down your names." The four were confused. "But... we don't feel nor has our magic blown up?" Hadrian asked, making Salazar chuckle.

"Yeah, that might have been because your cores are being bound." The Heirs were shocked. "What?!" The four Founders became a bit angry. "Yes, that is because of a man bounded your cores when you were born. That man is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, the same man who made Harry James Potter go missing." Hadrian felt a slight tug when Salazar said the missing boy's name.

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