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Draconian Lucius Malfoy-Black, Great Hall, Hogwarts

As they were enjoying Dinner, a black owl flew through the windows, dropping a letter in front of Hadrian. He curiously opened it, before he visibly paled. "Draco!" Hadrian called, before pulling the confused blonde's arm and ran off.

Moments after, a loud explosion was heard in the Forbidden Forest, making the students rush to the large windows to see what was happening as Hadrian and Draco rushed to the Hogwarts Grounds.

"STOP!" Hadrian hissed as the large trolls ignored them and continued pulling the trees out, before throwing them at the school. "Reducto!" Draco casted, shooting the spell at the trees, blowing them up before they could harm any students.

"DO YOU WANT TO HELP OR NOT, IDIOTS!?" Hadrian yelled, casting spells to those trolls, who kept throwing trees and boulders to the school. Before any staffs could move, large spiders appeared from the trees, hissing and clicking their pincers. "Acromatulas! Great!" Hadrian said sarcastically, dodging more trees and bits of exploded boulders before shooting spells towards the oncoming trolls and Acromatulas.

"AGAIN, A LITTLE HELP!?" Draco yelled, making the staffs and students run to help. Snape, who saw the letter untouched under the table, picked it up.

Trolls Are Attacking. Forbidden Forest. They're trying to destroy the school, because Quirell had killed their leader. The Acromatulas will probably move to attack too


Snape sighed, before running to the grounds. "Don't just stand there cast something!" Hadrian said, throwing unfamiliar Curses towards the trolls to harm their hides.

Gemma, Hermione and Neville immediately sprang into action, shooting hexes and Sectumsempra's towards the trolls, even when the staffs were still hesitant. "Oh fuck it!" James, Sirius and Lily said simultaneously, before shooting Curses and charms to knock them all out.

One by one, the students started to help cursing the trolls and the Acromatulas while the teachers protect the school from oncoming trees, boulders and giant spiders.

Dumbledore, on the other hand, was in his office, drinking tea and eating Sherbet Lemons, fully aware of what's happening in the Forbidden Forest yet doesn't care. Fawkes was sadly on his perch, wanting to go help the students but the chain to the familiar connection with Dumbledore stopped him from doing so.

Fawkes was determined to help, so he did what he does best, ask Lady Hogwarts to help. Hogwarts, can't you help? It softly crowed, to which Dumbledore ignored it. I will try my best, Fawkes. The soft voice, only heard by Fawkes, said, before a bright red light was seen through the windows.

"What! No, the shields weren't supposed to turn back on!" Dumbledore said frantically. The students on the other hand was relieved that the trolls and spiders couldn't reach them, but Hadrian and Draco weren't finished yet.

"Protego Reducto Maxima!" They both said, shooting the Golden spell to the shields, enforcing them with a explosive outer shell that will explode any objects that were thrown into the shield.

"Come on, we need to regroup with Unity!" Hermione said, pulling both boys towards the school, before Hadrian pulled his arm back. "Hagrid is injured, I need to bring him to Madam Pomfrey." He said, running towards a lump near Hagrid's hut. Draco and the rest didn't hesitate and immediately followed the Slytherin heir and helped him float the half-giant to the nurse office.

A few moments later...

If Madame Pomfrey wasn't a mediwitch, she would've fainted at the injuries Hagrid and a small number of students had from the fight. But luckily she is an mediwitch, and she told Hadrian and the rest that their friend will be up and walking in a day or two.

Hadrian sighed in relief, before he walked to the ROR, saying that he'll meet the rest in the Common Room later, he wanted to do something for a while.

The rest nodded, walking to the Great Hall for a quick bite, while Hadrian gave Mrs Norris, who was Mr Flich's kneazle, a quick pet and a potion of healing for the caretaker, who recently had a very bad injury caused by a mischievous seventh year and was too stubborn to go to Madame Pomfrey, asking it to bring it to the man, making it meow softly before taking it and the note in its mouth before trudging off to the caretaker's office.

Hadrian continued his journey to the room, waving at the ghosts and portraits who sometimes acknowledge him. "Hadrian? What are you doing up here?" Moaning Myrtle, a ghost that loves to haunt one if the girl's bathrooms somewhere on the third or second floor, asked, making Hadrian smile.

"Just walking around, looking and trying to discover more about Hogwarts. The history book only explains its history, not its secrets." The girl shook her head at his adventurous needs, before floating away.

Hadrian walked into the room he had asked for, which was a room with a beautiful garden, nearby was a small waterfall. "Hadrian, might I ask why you asked for a room like this?" Hadrian heard Hogwarts ask, making him smile softly. "It's something my mind conjured. I just wanted something that's calming and stress free, since the exams are two days away, and thus came to mind, and I admit it is very beautiful and relaxing."

He answered softly, dipping his feet in the water as he just admire the calm and peaceful surroundings around him.

Two days later...

Hadrian sighed as he finally finished his history essay, a few inches longer than it was supposed to be but who cares, he sent it in and walked outside where Draco, Hermione and Gemma was waiting, Neville still had a few inches left. After History he only had Transfiguration then the exams are over and he could go back to his safe spot.

It was someplace he had prone to spend more time in there reading, studying, drawing and/or relaxing, occasionally the Founders ghosts will come to see his works or just simply talk, making him feel safe, something he hasn't felt in a while since his mother was captured.

A few weeks later...

Hadrian smiled at the parchment he got from his head of house, the marks all had 'O's, even DADA, which wasn't that hard but let's not say that. Draco himself was jumping around giddily and saying he got all 'O's as well, while Gemma was already swept away by her parents, Hermione was crying tears of happiness and Neville was kissed by his grandmother, who was crying tears of joy while the boy's face was red with emails yet his shining eyes proved that he was proud and happy.

And with that, their first year ended with Bella nearly cursing Bhiti because she was so happy and Narcissa fainted while Lucius was in Diagon Alley, buying a present for his nephew and son.


And with that, the book ends.

I know the ending kinda sucked but that's the best I could do without going off topic, Ciphers. ♡♡♡ <3

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