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Hadrian Calius LeStrange, 7:30pm, Hogwarts Grounds

He walked quickly to the small wooden hut, not far from the Whomping Willow, before he found Hagrid with a large wagon without its front tire. "Good evening, Hagrid!" He said softly, making the half-giant look up. "Good evenin', Hadrian. What are you doin' 'ere?" He said curiously, lifting a few pumpkins into the wagon.

Hadrian smiled. "Reparo. I was here because professor McGonagall said you'd be needing a hand. And it appears she was correct." He chuckled as he helped the giant to fill the wagon with the oversized pumpkins. "How did you get them to grow this big, Hagrid?" He asked curiously, breaking the Pureblood facade as his childish curiousity became overbearing.

He followed him into the school, he giant pushing the wagon with Hadrian trailing behind him, listening as the half-giant explained excitedly. "I got some 'elp... Mind you, don't tell anyone." He said, showing his umbrella, to which Hadrian knew had bits of his old wand in the tip of it.

"Marvellous, Hagrid. Wow they're much bigger than last year's." Professor Sirius said, chuckling. Hagrid smiled, before helping them crave the pumpkins into various things and Hadrian watched the process of decorating in awe. His childishness overtook his calm, regal personality and Professor McGonagall noticed his awe, making her chuckle.

"Hadrian, would you like to help as well?" Hadrian's eyes lit up as he nodded, before McGonagall explained the ways to crave the pumpkins.

At the Halloween Feast...

When Draco entered the Hall with Gemma, Hermione and Neville, he wasn't expecting to see Hadrian covered in Pumpkin seeds and a wide grin on his face. "What happened to you!?" Hermione said in shock, spelling the mess away.

"I was helping the professors carve pumpkins. It easy fun, especially when Professor Sirius made a huge mess and started a Pumpkin war." He chuckled,  before they all sat down.

"See that one? That's one of the Pumpkins I carved." He said, pointing to the Pumpkin with the Unity symbol, before other pumpkins that had the other houses' symbols floated beside it. "Are all the ones with the houses yours?" Neville asked curiously as he sipped his chocolate milk.

"Yeah. The ones with the animals are Hagrid's, the ones with Quidditch are Professor James, the ones with dog related items are Sirius's and the ones with food with McGonagall's." Hadrian said, smiling.

Draco chuckled before Dumbledore stood up again. But before he could even say a word, Quirell barged in, his face scared and sweaty. "Troll! In the Dungeons..." He said, before swaying side by side. "Thought you ought to know..." He fell, but Hadrian caught him with a cushioning spell.

It took 15 seconds before what he said registered in the minds of the students. Before anyone could blink, the hall broke into chaos. "SILENCE!" Dumbledore yelled, his eyes hard. "Prefects! Bring your houses to their common room!" Soon the students were in a line, except for Hadrian. "Professor, the Slytherins live in the Dungeons..." He reminded, before walking to his line.

Apparently this woke the Slytherins, since an uproar of complaints started as the Unity house went away. "You love stirring up trouble, hmm?" Percy Weasley, the Unity Prefect and Oliver Wood's boyfriend, said, smiling at him before Hadrian caught the most disgusting smell of his life. "Ugh what's that smell?" Draco and the rest of his friends seemed to realise as well.

"Wait. Oh Merlin. PERCY!!" Hadrian yelled as he saw the Prefect's body flew into the wall, courtesy of the troll's club. What's it doing here? Hadrian thought, panicking. The rest of Unity was scared he could feel it. "Protego!" There wasn't just one Protego that was five, courtesy of him and his friends. "Okay they're protected how about us!?" Hermione said, her body shaking with fright.

"I got it! Hermione and Gemma cast a Sectumsempra on his back, Draco, Neville, help me lift his club!" Hadrian ordered, and they got into position. "Levicorpus!" "Wingardium Leviosa!" "Sectumsempra!" There was Curses flying towards the troll, knocking him out immediately.

"Yes it worked!" Hadrian cheered before the rest of Unity hugged them all, thanking them multiple time for the protection. "Nice spells, Mr. LeStrange." He heard the famous drawl of his uncle, making him turn to see him, McGonagall, James and Quirell all standing in shock at the sight of the slightly bloodied Troll.

Draco, who were casting his own healing charms on Percy so he doesn't die, chuckled. "He learned them from you, Professor." He said, casting the spell once more on Percy to seal the wound on his head. "We can deduct points later, Professor, Percy needs medical attention." Draco shook his head.

"No he doesn't, Micheal. He's fine, just knocked out. The spell I cast on him will heal his inner and outer injuries, though he'll probably needs all the rest he could get." Draco said, making McGonagall smile.

"You know, I was going to deduct points but based on the fact that you boys and girls have taken care of the problem, and not injured anyone in the process and heal the only one injured to the point where he just needs rest is amazing. All five of you earned 50 points each." Hadrian's eyes widen as Unity cheered softly.

Safe to say, the next day the five friends were the talk of the school. Though Hadrian didn't miss the fact that his uncle was limping.

That night, after another small party in the Unity common room, Hadrian casted a Disillusion charm on himself before he wondered to the library, looking for information about the Philosopher's Stone like Professor Quirell said to.

After an hour, he found something that is relatively close. "... created by famous alchemist Nicolas Flamel..." He mumbled as he walked to one of the vacant seats. He made sure Madam Prince couldn't hear him before flipping through the pages of the yellowing book.

Suddenly, as he was reading about the benefits of the Stone, he heard very familiar meows coming from the shelves behind him. Shit, it's Mrs. Norris! He thought,  casting a Disillusion charm on the book before quietly sneaking out the library with the book

He blindly ran though the hallway, trying to find his way back before stumbling into an empty room, running to the back to find a locked door. "Alohamora." He said quietly, still unsure whether Flich is behind him or not.

He opened the door slightly before turning to face with a three-headed dog the size of his room asleep. He held his breath as the Ceberus woke up, looking around to find the intruder of its peaceful sleep.

Hadrian looked down to avoid eye-contact, eventhough he knows it can't see him, and notice a peculiar piece of floor under it. A trapdoor! This must be where the Philosopher's Stone is. He looked at the Ceberus before raking his brain trying to remember what it's weakness is.


Muahahah I love cliffhangers >:)

Anyways, I do hope you enjoy, Ciphers. ♡♡♡

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