•chapter four•

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I run/jog for about two hours before I make it back to my, new, home. Before walking in I stand in front of it, debating whether I go in at all. After about ten minutes I decide it's for the best. Also, I remembered I live at least two hours away from anyone I know...

I walk in and I hear LOUD moaning. I roll my eyes and scoff as I already know it's not Daniel's moaning it's a girl's. I just go to my room and find my speaker then connect it to my phone and take it to the farthest room. I put on a cool dance audio my friend showed me and dance to it for instagram. Oh, yea. I'm a dancer.

(But in the outfit from earlier)

I redo it a couple of times to get it perfect and then I post it, instantly getting a few hundred likes. I shut my phone off and I lay on the ground because I'm weird like that. (I do actually just randomly lay on the ground for no reason sometimes..) I leave my music running and it goes through my Spotify playlist and to my luck it plays the perfect music to match my mood. Xxxtentacion, you are a God. I just sit on the ground and do nothing. I don't really think about anything, just the lyrics playing. I don't move, only enough to breathe and blink. I don't talk, at all. I just lay there for about an hour before Daniel interrupts me so, so rudely.

"Yes, Daniel?" I roll my eyes and lean up to look at him. He turns my music off. "What are you doing? I was listening to that." I say annoyed, clearly.

"I didn't hear you come home so I got worried because it's dark out." He says.

"Well, you were busy fucking someone so I came down here and played my music to ignore you guys." I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine, you can go away now." I say and lay back down.

"I wasn't fucking anyone." He says.

"Then what have you been doing to have girls moaning for the past, what, hour and a half, at least." I say not looking at him.

"I was thinking about you. Thinking about being in your tight little pussy and the way you look at me while you suck me off." He says and sits on my thighs, looking at me.

"Oh, yea?" I say. He nods. "Too bad. You won't be in my "tight little pussy" tonight or for a while." I roll my eyes. I'm gonna go blind from rolling my eyes.

"Why would that be?" He says as he hovers over me, putting his two hands on either sides of my shoulders to hold him up.

"Because. I hate you." I say bitterly.

"Aw, that just makes the sex rougher." He winks.

"Daniel, there'll be no sex." I say.

"You keep saying that. And I keep not believing that. I know I can get to you." He says.

"Just call one of the cheerleaders or something. Fuck one of them." I say, looking him dead in the eyes.

"You could be my cheerleader." He smirks.

"Never." I shake my head no.

"Aww, come on." He says chuckling.

"No, even if I wasn't pissed at you, I still hurt." I say and he laughs.

"Of course you do." He says.

"Shut up and get off of me, James." I push him off of me, successfully.

"Well, damn." He laughs. I grab my speaker and phone and walk up to my room, locking the door even though he can get in. I sit against my door staring blankly. Again, not thinking of anything. I feel someone push against the door and slide down it, not trying to open it though. That's when everything hits me. Wow, I hate my best friend. I had sex with my best friend, more than once. I moved with my best friend. And ever since everything's gone to shit. I start to hear muffled whimpers through the door, so I open it and Daniel falls back and I see he's crying.

"I may hate you but what's wrong." I ask as I sit him up. He leans against the wall and hesitates to talk. "Nevermind." I say and get up but he grabs me.

"Please don't go." He says quietly and his voice cracks. I just nod and sit by him. I grab his hand and lace our fingers together - barely because my hands are a lot smaller than his - and he looks at me, then to our hands, then back to his lap.

"Daniel." I pause as I wait for him to look at me. He does. "I want you to know, no matter how much I hate you, or if we're in and argument. I'll be there for you if you need me to." I say as I look deep into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Thank you." He barely chokes out and he tries to smile.

"Do you want to talk about why you're crying?" I ask.

"Not really. I just want to go to bed." He says and I nod.

"Ok." I say and I stand up and pull him up so he can go to his room.

I walk him to his room and I help him get ready for bed because I'm a mom like that. I give him some joggers to change into and he does. He lays down and I cover him up. He smiles at me.

"Thank you, kierra." I smile back and nod. I kiss his forehead then leave after he closes his eyes. I close his door slowly and quietly.

"Man, you make it really hard to hate you." I whisper to myself as I go to my own room and shower then go to bed. Before I go to bed I go through comments on my recent and like and comment back to some people. After about twenty minutes of that I go to sleep.

In the middle of the night I wake up to someone screaming. Daniel. I immediately jump up and grab my- his bat that he gave me and run to his room.

"Whats wrong?!" I say as I notice no one's here that I need to hit.

"S-sorry." He stutters as he grabs the bat from me.

"What happened?" I ask.

"I- I just- I had a bad dream." He chokes out.

"Oh, ok." I say and look at him. "Are you ok now?" I ask and caress his cheek. He just closes his eyes and savors my touch, so lovingly. "Daniel..?" I say. He slowly opens his eyes as he puts his hand on mine.

"Can I stay in your room? I don't think I'll be able to sleep without your touch." He almost begs. I hesitate then agree.

"Yes..." I say and pull him by his hand to my room.

I get into my bed and he gets in behind me then he pulls me close to him by my waist. He pulls my back against his bare chest and he lays in the crook of my neck. He soon falls back asleep, as do I.

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