•chapter ten•

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"You did that, Daniel. You did that." I smile.

"I'm sorry." He says, his eyes shifting sad, and his smile dropping, causing mine to do the same.

"F-for what? I'm happy, I'm fine." I say.

"I know.. and that's what I'm sorry about." He says, looking away from me as tears fill my eyes.

"Why are you sorry, baby. I'm ok. I'm happy. What's wrong with that." I ask him as a tears falls down my face and I sit up.

"I- I can't be your baby." He says.

"A-are you cheating on me? Please say no. Please. I-"

"I'm not cheating on you. I swear. I gave my all to you."

"Then what's wrong and why." I ask, more tears falling.

"I can't stay here. I have to leave now." He says, standing up and getting dressed.

"Daniel, no. I- I can go with you. W-what happened?" I ask confused and getting my clothes on too.

"I'm sorry. I love you." He says after we both get dressed.

"No, what did I do. Did I do something wrong??" I say, crying hard core now.

"No, baby. Y-you did nothing wrong." He says, crying as well.

"Then why are you leaving me. Is there someone better?" I ask.

"No, baby. No one's better than you." He says, hugging me and kissing my head.

"T-then w-hy ar-e yo-u le-av-ing m-e?" I ask, hugging him back.

"I can't stay on Earth, I have to go back." He says.

"B-back where?"I say, more confused.

"Back to heaven."

"I- Daniel. I can't live without you. Please, don't leave me." I say.

"I'm sorry, baby. I have to go. I love you so much and I'll never forget you." He says.

"Daniel, please. No!" I cry as he starts leaving.

"I love you, kierra. Never forget that." He says.

"Can I have one last kiss? Please." I ask.

He hesitates but comes back for a second.

He pulls me close and looks at me. He kisses me, slow, sweet, loving, caring. For about 30 seconds.

"I love you, babygirl. I love you." He whispers, hugging me one last time and then leaving.

"I love you too, Daniel. Thank you for showing me that." I say once he's gone. "And since you've left, I can't help but leave as well. You're all I had." I say. I think about just jumping off the cliff and ending it there but, Keri. "I'll tell mom you said goodbye." I go back home and write a note before going to Keri's as it's not too late.

I knock in the door.

"Hey, honey!" She embraces me.

"Hey, mom." I say, hugging her back.

"Where's Daniel?" She asks.

"He's back home, I just wanted to hang out for a bit and he wasn't feeling well." I answer.

He's left already. I can tell.

"Oh, ok."

"Oh, and I have something for you." I smile. "You can't open it until tomorrow, though. Ok? Promise you won't?" I ask. It's the note saying good bye and some stuff I wanted her to have.

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