Corey's p.o.v.
I looked up and noticed colby was gone.
"Uh guys where's Colby?"
Shit. This is bad Aaron is throwing up and we lost colby.
Elton pulled his camera back up to catch everyone up on what happened leaving our fight out of it
"Fuck...everyone stay together"
We walked down a little ways and there was colby. Passed out on the ground. I ran up to him shaking him
"Colby Colby come on man wake up" his eyes fluttered open and he was back to normal I sighed in relief.
"What happened"
He held his head
"We are leaving" we all ran to the car. And speed off back home.
"Y'all are pussy's we didn't even get the Ouija board out"
Colby's p.o.v.
We were back in Elton's car when everone was arguing. I pulled out my phone and texted sam
To sam:
I'm so sorry...i should have listened and stayed home it was a bad idea to come out tonight I'm on my way home.
From sam:
Its OK love...i just want you safe...I was kinda planning on being with you the rest of my life i can't do that if your dead I smiled. Man do I love this boy.
To sam: I've been an ass so much lately...and you've been by my side every step of the way how can I make it up?
From sam: pancakes!!!???!??!
I laughed. everytime we fight we go and get pancakes the next day to make up for it.
To sam: anything for you. I'll be home soon. save a spot for me in bed?😉
From sam: sure thing love see you soon handsome😙
Corey and elton faught almost the intire way home even when we got home they still where fighting.
"You know what corey im not dealing with this I'm moving out. "
"Good. IDC be out by next week move out tomorrow I don't give a fuck anymore!" My eyes got wide
"Whoa guys can't we talked this out?" sam came down and practically jumped in my arms almost pushing me over.
"No time for you guys being cute this is a serious argument!" corey said making sam blush.
Sam looked at me giving me a what's going on look
"I'll explain later" i whispered to him.
He nodded
"I don't even know why you are so upset corey!"
"Colby fucking passed out! I told you we needed to leave. and you chose the views over our safety and health!" Sam's eyes got wide.
"I honestly don't remember this"
"No I don't break promises. I could care less about the views"
"And our health apparently" and with that they stormed off in different directions. I looked at the time and it was 2am. I yawned as sam hugged me.
"I'm just glad your safe. now promise me you will listen to me next time?" He looked up with big blue puppy dog eyes. I mean how can I say no to that?
"Yes I promise" I kissed him
"I'm to tired to deal with corey and elton now we will have a house meeting tomorrow and figure this out." me and sam walked to his room and we got all cozy in his bed.
"Ok so what do we do if Elton moves out?" He looked up at me I sighed
"I really don't know find another person I guess"
"Do you remember jake Webber?" I nodded.
"He hit me up the other day saying he was moving down this way. maybe...."
"We will figure it out when and IF Elton moves out OK? He nods and I snuggle up against him his time. he kissed me and we drifted into a dreamless sleep.
I woke up before sam the next morning. I walked down to get some water when I saw a bunch of boxes and bags outside of the garage door. where Elton's office is. out came Elton holding A box
"Wow so you really are being serious about moving out?" I said grabbing a water bottle
" and my girlfriend have been talking about getting a place so I'm just going to stay in her apartment until we find a house"
"well do you need help?"
"No. I'm finished I had friends come and we spent all last night packing. most of my stuff is going in a storage for now" I have him a sad smile.
"Are you sure you can't talked to corey? We are going to miss you " he nods and gave me a small smile
"Ya I'm sure. it's time for me to move out anyway" sam came down shortly after we helped Elton pack the big u-hall truck up and said our goodbyes.
"Well what are we going to do now?" Sam said as we all walked back in the house.
"I don't know. we will figure it out I think we all need a few days to process this information first ya?" He nods and kisses me
"Ya I agree"

revised// solby sequel
Fanfictionthe love of my life was in a coma for months. ever since things haven't been the same. Sequel to step-sisters boyfriend. ⚠ has a lot of death suicide and mental health issues if you are sensitive to any of that read at your own risk