part 17

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Today's the day I'm going to propose to sam It's been about a week since mine and Corey fight we made up. Hes going to help me distract sam while i set up to propose.
I know exactly what im going to do and you will have to wait and see ;)
I told Corey to take sam out today and do anything to distract him.
Sam's p.o.v.
"Hey man" corey came up to me while i was in the kitchen making some lunch
"Hey cor what's up?".
"Wanna come and hang out with me for the day"
"Ya sure why not i have nothing better to do" 
"OK sweet I'm leaving in about half a hour"
Colby came down with a big smile on his face.
"Hey baby" he kissed my cheek
"Hey. Someones in a good mood"
"Yup. Hey im going out with Kat and her mom later we are going to lunch to catch up and to the mall i won't be back for a while ok" 
He nods
"Ok I'm going out with corey idk what he has planned so ill text you whenever we are planning on coming back "
He give me a hug and kiss before he leaves.
Corey was taking forever to get ready and i was feeling sleepy so I decided to lay on the couch and take a nap While i wait for him my eyes quickly fluttered shut
"Come on sam I'm ready to go!"
"Coming coming "
I said he drags me along.
We went to the mall made a few videos of asking people random and stupid questions did some shopping i got colby some new shirts and a new Beanie.
we get in the car and he hands me a scarf
"Put this over your eyes" he smirks while putting the camera in my face
"Oh God what are you doing"
You'll see he raises a eye brow
I do as he says
We sit in the car for a while
"Corey seriously what's going on "
He helpes me out of the car and ties up my hands
I started to panic as he take off my blind fold.
Mine and Colby's spot.
"What are you doing to do kill me " I laugh
"That's exactly what Im doing"
He has an evil laugh he pulled out a knife and stabbed me over and over.
I screamed but no one heard me
"Sam. sam come on I'm ready to go. wake up man"
I woke up to Corey shaking me.
Fuck it was a dream thank God.
I grabbed my keys while he drove.
We went to the mall to do some shopping I got a few things for myself and some for Colby.
After hours of at the mall we got some ice cream and filmed a video. Now we are just enjoying our ice cream and corey sighed
"What's wrong"
"I can't do this I'm sorry sam... I have feelings for you...still"
My stomach dropped. After that dream I had of him I've been avoiding my feelings for corey as well. feeling nauseous I put my ice cream down. I didnt say anything
"I know you have feelings for me to. And that your trying to hide them " oh God I might actually throw up
Thankfully a fan stopped us
"Oh. My. God" she screamed and ran up to us
"Your sam and Corey!" She jumped up and down. "where's colby can i get a picture!"
We got pictures and talked for a while.
I felt Corey's stare burning in my eyes the whole time.
After the girls left
"I think I'm ready to go " i said tired of being out. And honestly can't be around corey much longer
ding ding
His phone went off
"Ok ya we can leave now" we got in the car and he handed me a scarf
Which reminded me of my dream I started to panic but I hide it
"W-what are you doing?"
"Put this on we have one more stop" he smiled. my hands shaking I did as i was told.
God not today I don't want to die please. I want kids first and have a actual life.
We were in the car for a while when it finally stopped."just don't forget I can make you just as happy as colby can "
i heard his door open and close Then my door open
"Hi baby"  i jumped hearing Colby's voice suddenly.
"What the fuck is this "
"Its ok you can trust me" i felt a light kiss on my hand
He picked me up and carried me some place and sat me down. it smelt dirty. he took my blind fold off and in front of me was a picnic on the roof of our spot. he had lights set up and the sun was setting.
Omg I might actually cry
"Aww babe did you do this" i turned to face my boyfriend who had a huge grin on his face and was wearing a suit I felt very dressed down. he proudly nodded and a tear slipped down my face. he whipped it away he gave me a hug
"I love you sam"
"I love you Colby"
He pulled back he was shaking he was so nervous about something.
"So I took you here for a reason. this is where we met. where i fell in love with you. where you became my best friend. i went through all these milestones with you and I..." He got down on one knee and pulled out a small box. "I can't think of not spending the rest of my life with you. will you marry me sam?"
I started to cry when Corey's words replayed in my head

I can make you just as happy as colby makes you
I got a weird feeling in my stomach.
Should I marry him.....

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