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It comes in waves
Enormous navy waves
That crash down upon the surface
Dragging you down with it
High and mighty
Growing and growing
Until the time arrives
For it to topple down
Washing over your grasping hands
And oxygen desiring chapped lips
The salty water floods your aching ribs
Does it burn
Does it feel like the little beads of salt are scraping away the inside surface
Of your collapsing throat
And washing away the marrow
On your wheezing rib cage
Can you feel the water filling up
Your cage of a corpse
Are your lungs set ablaze
Can you feel yourself dying
Decaying at the speed of sound
Does it hurt
I imagine it feels like hell
I imagine it is hell
When it all washes over you
Suffocating your brain and heart
With the pain you've vowed
To attempt to erase

A/N: thanks for over a hundred votes <3

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