2- New Friends, Old Enemies

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Y/n's POV

I slowly sit up in my bed and stretch.

"Ugh..." I groan while yawning. I grab my phone and look at the time.

"7:24!? I'm going to be late!" I shout as I quickly get up and rush to the bathroom.

I brush my hair while brushing my teeth, then as fast as I could, I put my uniform on. I struggled a little, but that's because you shouldn't put clothes on too fast.

I put my socks on and then my shoes. I was rushing down the hallway while pulling on the back of my right shoe.

I almost fell down the stairs, but I caught myself. As soon as I was off the stairs I grabbed my bag and rushed out the door.

My mom was a work, she has to leave early every morning.

I run down the driveway and unto the side walk. My hair was flowing and my ears were soft enough to flow as well.

Then all of the sudden a guy came from around the corner talking to someone, but I was going too fast to stop.


All I saw was a flash of green, then I opened my eyes.

"Ow..." I groan. I slowly sit up and rub my head. I look to my left because I felt people staring, and sure enough, there was two werewolves.

What happened to the other one? I felt a wiggle from underneath my knees.

I quickly stand and there he was. I think I crushed him... oops.

"Oh my Irene! I'm so so so sorry! Here let me help you." I started to ramble, trying to help the boy.

As soon as I got him up though, my rambling had gotten worse.

"A-again, I'm sorry! H-how can I make it up to you!? Umm, are y-you okay?" I started to panic, worried that i had hurt him. My e/t/c ears were as low as they could get.

As I was panicking he just chuckled.

"It's ok, I'm fine!" The green haired werewolf says filling me with relief.

"Thank Irene, I don't think I want to make an enemy on my first day of school." I sighed.

"Yeah, that could be trouble for me too, I'm Daniel by the way." He said as he held his hand out for me to shake it.

"Y/n" I say while shaking his hand. Then he motioned toward the other two werewolves he was with.

"That's Rylan, and that's Dottie." Daniel says.

"Well, it's nice to meet you all, but I have to get to school." I say to excuse myself.

"Oh, what school, do you go to?" Dottie asked as she tilted her head.

"Pheonix drop high." I reply. They all looked at each other with excitement.

"Us too!" They shout, a little to loud.

"That's great! But maybe keep your voices down." I giggled.

They laughed, and then we were on our way.

We started talking about food, and car rides.

Then they started talking about their Alpha, well, our Alpha.

"Isn't Alpha the greatest?" Dottie asks with literal stars in her eyes.

"Yeah!" Daniel and Rylan say in unison.

"I bet she's going to choose the best Alpha male this year!" Daniel says to follow up his answer.

'Is she really that great?' I think to myself.

Falling Petels (Daniel x Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now