6- The Park

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Y/n's POV

I was still in the tree when I heard my name being called.

I looked around to see who was saying it, it was a random werewolf I've never seen before.

How does he know my name?

I jumped off the tree and landed softly without a noise.

"Ah, y/n, there you are." The werewolf said relived.

Who is this guy?

"Yep, so what do you need?" I ask trying to sound as sweet as possible.

"Oh, let me introduce myself first. I'm Ein." The werewolf, Ein, said smiling.

That's... Umm... Cool?

"Well, I'm Y/n, but I guess you know that already?" I say nervously.

How does he know me?

"Yeah, word only gets around if the werewolf is pretty." He says slyly.

I blush a little.

"You flatterer." I say sweetly as I gave him a boop on the nose.

He blushed a little as well.

"Anytime, cutie." Ein offers.

He continued to flirt with me and I continued to blush.

"Oh yeah, by the way I found your things." He said while pulling a bag off of his back.

My eyes lit up.

"Oh my Irene, thank you!" I said while taking it from him.

I hugged him really tight, while continuing to thank him.

He chuckled.

"That's why I was looking for you, guess I just forgot." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Also, here." Ein said as he gave me a piece of paper with numbers on it.

"Is this your phone number?" I ask while blushing an even deeper red.

I politely take it from him.

"If you ever need some one to talk to." He said while blushing.

"Th-thanks..." I stutter.

He said goodbye as he slowly walked away, wagging his tail.

Wow, what a dreamboat...

I sigh.

I go through my backpack and grab my phone.

Huh, I don't remember that number.

I go through the texts.

I didn't write that. I unblock the number.

(Y-you, Dan- Daniel)

Y- Daniel?

Dan- Y/n?

Y- Of course.

Dan- thank God, someone had your phone.

Y- Really? Are you just pulling my tail?

Dan- No I'm not, they said mean things to me.

Y- Like?

Dan- They called me a loser

Y- Aww, Daniel, your not a loser. Your a really nice guy!

Dan- Thanks, Y/n!

Y- No problem Daniel.

I guess that was the end of the conversation.

I guess I should get home...

I hate the walk home because it always leads to hurt.

I should talk to more people.

All of the sudden I get a text from Daniel asking if I wanted to play Frisbee.

What kind of question is that? Of course I want to play Frisbee!

I run back to the park I was just at.

I see Daniel, Dottie, and Rylan.

I run up to them out of breath.

"Let's.... Play..... Some-- gimme a sec.... Frisbee!" I yell in-between breathes.

They laughed.

Daniel had the Frisbee and he threw it to Dottie, and Dottie it to Rylan, and Rylan threw it to me.

It was a big square.

Until it got more competitive.

We decided to do a game.

I call it 'wolf frisbee'.

Someone would throw the frisbee and whoever caught it would do the same.

I called it 'wolf frisbee' because it would get so competitive I would turn into my wolf form. Every werewolf can do it, though some haven't learned yet.

Dottie started.

She threw the frisbee and Rylan caught it.

When Rylan threw it no one caught it, so he did it again and Daniel caught it.

Then Dottie caught it.

Then Daniel.

Then Rylan again.

"No fair! I'm not as tall as you guys!" I say.

They laughed and I laughed with them.

I went to the back of the group to turn into my wolf form. I was a light f/c with s/f/c patterns. Gold particles sparkled around me.

And trust me, I was no puppy.

When Dottie threw the frisbee it went past Daniel and Rylan and I caught it in my mouth.

I was so happy.

They all looked at the wolf behind them with they're jaw dropped.

I stopped jumping around and looked at them.

"Y-Y/n?" A group of confused werewolves asked.

I walked up to them, dropped the frisbee, and sat down.

They just looked at each other and back at me.

Dottie had stars in her eyes.

She ran up to me to pet me.

I fell on my back so she could rub my tummy.

"Belly rubs!" She said excitedly.

Rylan was gone, and Daniel was just staring at me.

I sat up and licked Dottie in the face. She giggled.

I walked up to Daniel who was sitting down.

I layed down and put my head on his thigh.

He pet my head as he looked with wonder at my fur pattern.

"So soft." He said quietly.

Dottie layed on my side.

We all got comfortable and took a nice little nap.

Falling Petels (Daniel x Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now