4 - Falling in love...

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(Don't Play Music Yet)

( hello Fellow reader! It is I, Lucy! I come from the other side to give you this...
*Gives you chapter*
*Whispers* your welcome...)

Y/n's POV

I can't believe I gave a GUY my number this morning, I would've thought a girl would be my friend first...

It doesn't matter, I'm not complaining, since it's the cutest boy ever!

What are you, a girly girl fangirling over a boy?

Well I... It's just that...


He's making me... Feel feelings... I don't know...

Wait, seriously? That's great!

I know! But I have to get to my 5th block class.

Where even am I? I look around and see I'm in a hallway surrounded by lockers... All alone...

Then all of the sudden I heard echoing footsteps and distant talking. I could only hear parts of it.

"Yeah, she seems weak--"

"Eh, a human protected her--"


"She can pack a punch--"

The talking was getting closer and closer, it seemed like they were talking about me.

I look around for a hiding place.

The end of the hallway was too far away, but I did spot an open locker.

I jump into it and close it slightly, not all the way because I don't want to get stuck.

I was breathing as lightly as I possibly could when something leaned back and closed the locker.


"I mean she was pretty." The person leaning on the locker said.

I heard the locker next to me open.

"Yeah she was, but she was weak" the other person said.

"Did you even know her name?" A third person asked.

"Yeah, I got it out of Daniel when I beat him up after 3rd block." The one leaning against the locker says with pride.

That bastard...

"So what's her name?" The one that was probably putting things away asked.

"He said Y/n, but you never know if he lied." The guy answers.

"Well if he did I'm going to kick his--"

"As I was saying, do you think she'll date me?" Someone asked while interrupting the other one

"Maybe, I don't think you were there this morning so she'll be fooled." Another one said.

I couldn't tell which one was which, but eventually they left.

"Finally!" I sigh while pushing on the door.

It wouldn't open.


Hey, language.

Language my ass! I'm stuck in here!

And who's fault is that?

Oh whatever...

I started to shout for help.

"Help! I-i'm stuck!" I wanted so badly to get out.

"Is anyone there?" I shout again.

"Man, I'm so pathetic..." I sigh.

"I'm a werewolf, and I can't even open a measly locker door..." I continue talking to myself with tears forming in my eyes.

"Daniel would never go out with a weakling like me..." I say quietly.

Then out of no where.

A humming noise came down the hallway.

They were opening the locker I was in. It was too late to stand up properly.

I fell into the arms of a very cute greenette.

We were on the floor, my hand on his chest. I was uncomfortably close to his face when I said the most 'romantic' thing I could think of.

"I think I'm falling for you..." I say softly.

He blushed.

"I-I-I mean!! I-I'm sorry for falling for you!!" I try again.

I was standing now.

"I meant to say I'm sorry for falling ON you!!" I yell and it echoes through out the halls.

I look him in the eyes for an awkward 3 seconds.

But I was blushing of embarrassment, so I ran...

Like a wimp...

I was still running, and I guess I left the school building because I was on the road.

I ran all the way to the park.

I walked around, looking for a tree to climb.

I then stumbled upon a tall tree with low branches.


I was sitting there, bored. I didn't have my guitar, but I could just sing.

(Song is: can't help falling in love with you, cover by OR3O)

Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help
Falling in love with you

Shall I stay
Would it be a sin
If I can't help
Falling in love with you

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things
are meant to be

Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help
Falling in love with you

For I can't help
Falling in love with you...


Wow, I'm late, sorry!

762 words.

Hope you enjoyed, sorry it was so short.

I had a long... Bad... Day. So I'm sorry I didn't post earlier.

Hope you enjoyed anyways---

Time to go work on another book--



Falling Petels (Daniel x Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now