11- The Announcement

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Y/n's POV

I rushed into the school.

I walked to homeroom and say down.

I started to draw.

I don't know what I was drawing, but I was drawing.

Drawing helps me think.

I was thinking about being Omega.

How much pain will it cause me?

How many bones will I break?

Whatever, as long as Daniel's safe.

I blush at the thought.

I didn't really realize what I was drawing, or who. I glanced at my paper and saw Daniel on it.

I widened my eyes and put my arms over the picture.

I looked around to make sure no one saw it.

I looked to my right and saw Alpha.

She was looking at me with stars in her eyes.

"Was that a drawing of Daniel?" She asked excitedly.

"N-NO!" I answer quickly.

I glare at her.

"Ok, if you say so." She says with a sly smirk.

I blushed as I tore the page out and crumpled it up.

I shoved it into my binder.

"So do you still want to be Omega?" Alpha asked.

I looked at her and my ears folded down.

"Yeah. Of course." I say.

"Alright, I'll make the announcement today." She said while glancing at me with sadness in her eyes.

I sigh and start listening to the teachers lecture.

(TimeSkip because I'm a lazy pig)

After school, I made my way to the bleachers, that's where Alpha will make the announcement.

I'm really nervous.

My ear twitched as I felt someone approaching me.

I turned to meet with the eyes of the person.

Of course it was Daniel.

"H-hey Daniel." I say to greet the werewolf.

A nice thin line of pink blush spread across my face.

"Hey Y/n!" He said back.

"I heard Alpha is gonna make a huge announcement that every  werewolf is gonna have to be here for. Any idea about what it's gonna be?" He asked.

I looked down.

"I heard that she's gonna choose a new Omega." I answered with an awkward smile.

He looked down with a scared face that made my stomach turn in every wrong way.

"W-why would she do that?" He asked with his hands balled I fists.

I looked at him and i felt my ears flatten.

"I-I... don't know..." I lied.

"Let's go get a seat." He said with a slight smile.

I couldn't, as much as I really wanted too.

"Err, I have to use the restroom first." I said as an excuse.

He shrugged and walked off. Once I was positive that he left, I went off to find Alpha.

"Hey, Alpha!" I said once I had found her.

"Hey, Y/n, you sure you're ok with this?" She asked as she walked toward the stage.

"Mhmm!" I hummed my answer.

She sighed and smiled.

"Well, as long as you're ok with it. You can fight right?" She asked.

I nodded slowly.

"That's good, least you'll be able to defend yourself then." She said.

She then walked into the stage.

"*Hello my tiny puppers! The announcement I'm making today is... we're getting a new Omega.*" She says.

"*I would like to say that she made this decision completely on her own, so please, whoever is dating her or anything, some get mad at me.*" She said causing me to blush.

Ein ran on the stage and chuckled loudly.

"Umm, Aph, what are you doing?" He asked kind of angrily.

She flinched away from him.

"I-it's not my fault, she wanted to become the Omega, so who am I to crush her dreams?" Aph said while twiddling her index fingers.

"WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!??" Almost everyone in the crowd shouted.

I hopped up on the stage and everyone looked my way.

I was distracted by all the attention I was getting, that I wasn't looking where I was going... and of course I fell.

Right on my face...

"Oww..." I groaned as I rubbed my nose.

"*Y/N! THE NEW OMEGA!!*" Aphmau yelled into the microphone.

I got up and waved to the crowd.

"Y/N!??" I heard a certain voice yell.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

Daniel ran to the state and jumped on it, stumbling to get to me.

"Why are you doing this? You can't be there Omega!" He said while standing in front of me.

"B-but... I did this for.... you..." I whispered with my ears flattening on my head. I looked up at him and his ears were down too. Since the announcement was over the werewolves were already gone.

"You shouldn't have... It's stressful to be Omega." He told me. I rolled my eyes.

"It won't be half as stressful with you by side." I say with a way of my tail while walking away.

'Yeah, this won't be too bad...' I thought to reassure myself. 'I hope...'


Sorry if this isn't as good as my other chapters. I feel like Aphmau is losing her touch. It's already bad enough that she died. And that Daniel doesn't have his old cinnamon bun voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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