9- Asking

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Y/n's POV

On my way to school the next morning,I started thinking about how Ein said Daniel was to be the Omega.

It's not fair, Daniel couldn't hurt a fly.

I have an idea, I don't like it but it's all I got.

I will ask the female Alpha make me the Omega.

All the sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turn to see Daniel and his friends.

"Oh, hey Daniel." I say while smiling.

"Hey, Y/n" Daniel replies.

We start walking together.

"Where can I find the Alpha female?" I ask while looking forward.

"I have homeroom with her, I'll walk you there." Dottie says happily.

"No, I need to talk to her in private." I say very confidently.

"Well I'll tell her to meet you by the bleachers after school." Dottie suggests.

"Thanks Dottie, you're the best!" I say while hugging her.

She mumbled something that I didn't hear.

I shrugged it off.

When we got to school we went our separate ways.

Dottie left first.

Then we went to home room.

~{[(Time Skip)]}~

I was waiting by the bleachers.

I haven't met this Alpha yet, so I have to be confident.

I heard a door slam and a female walking towards the bleachers.

Her eyes brightened when she saw me.

"Hi, I'm Aphmau." She said while breaking a sweat, was she nervous?

"I'm Y/n." I started while I was smiling.

She smiled unsurely.

Then she broke.

"Hey I don't want to fight, if you want to be Alpha female just take it." She outbursts, cowering.

I stand back, was I that intimidating?

"W-what?" I ask.

"I'm just a human, please don't hurt me." She said.

"Umm..." I was getting nervous, is she always like this?

"I actually want to be the Omega..." I say, putting my hand on her shoulder.

She seemed to calm down.

"You're really scary, but you're pretty. You have strength," She stated. "Why do you want to be the Omega?" She asks.

I blush slightly thinking of why I was doing this.

"O-oh, umm..." I started. "Well, if I don't then Daniel will be Omega, and I don't want that." I say quickly.

She smiled.

"Ok, I guess I can make you Omega." She says slowly while tapping her chin lightly.

"I'll announce it tomorrow in werewolf club. You're in that, right?" She asks.

"I kind of have to be, it's inforced that all werewolves went." I stated.

She smiled.

Then she handed me a small piece of paper.

"My number, call me." She says.

Then she walked away.

I smiled, maybe I made a new friend.

I quickly put the number into my phone and start my walk home.

Dottie's POV

I had finally caught up to Daniel and Rylan.

"Hey guys!" I greet them.

They both smile at me.

"Hey Dottie!" They say in sync.

We started walking together.

We started talking about sticks and how they're the best.

I wasn't really paying to much attention.

Then we saw Y/n.

I hate to admit it, but I'm jealous of her.

She has the looks, the sparkling eyes, the smooth legs, the muscles... She's perfect.

Daniel never texts me anymore, he'd rather talk to Y/n...

Rylan never really cared about me...

You're useless...

"Where can I find the Alpha female?" Y/n asks.

I know, but should I answer?

Would she be annoyed?

"I have home room with her, I could take you there." I offer happily.

"No, I have to talk to her privately." She says, kind of strictly.

I knew it, she hates me...

"I could tell her to meet you at the bleachers after school." I say happily, almost on the verge of tears.

"Thanks Dottie! You're the best!" She says excitedly while hugging me.

"No I'm not..." I mutter so she wouldn't hear.

She turned around and walked next to Daniel.

'she really likes him...' I smiled at the thought.

If she's in the group then she can take care of Daniel and Rylan when I 'disappear'...

It's ok, they won't notice.

I'm ok with that...

I was almost in tears.

What? Why am I about to cry?

We got to school.

"Bye guys!" I say with my back turned toward them so they couldn't see my face.

They didn't reply, they just started talking to Y/n.


I ran to the restroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I begged myself.

"Please don't do this. Please don't cry... Be strong... Be strong..." I say with tears rolling down my cheeks.

I hear someone walk into the restroom.

I turn to face the one person I didn't want to see, or the only person I didn't want to see me...


"Oh my Irene, Dottie, are you ok?" She asked as soon as she saw me.

"I-I'm... Fine..." I lie with a smile.

She sighed.

"Dottie, you're crying. You are not fine." She said with a frown.

I give a sad smile.

"Seriously, I'm fine. I'm just having a bad day..." I lie again.

She looked unsure to believe me, but she gave in.

"If you say so." She shrugged and walked into a stall.

I walked out of the bathroom and ran to homeroom as fast as I could.

I wiped my face and walked in.

This is going to be a long day...

Falling Petels (Daniel x Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now