8- Frisbee

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Dottie's POV
(Bet you didn't expect that)

(Oh and this is right after you cleaned Daniel's wounds)

Daniel looks beat up, but his wounds look clean.

"Hey Daniel!" I say in my 'optimistic' tone.

Rylan does the same.

"Hey guys." He says in a weird tune.

I was suspicious, but I didn't want to assume.

I look at Rylan with a worried look, and he has the same look on his face.

"Daniel, are you ok?" I ask in a worried tone.

He looks at me and tilts his head.

"Of course. Are you guys ok?" He asks.

"Why are you so happy? After you get beat up you usually look really down." Rylan states.

Daniel smiles.

"Y/n helped me!" He says happily. "She cleaned my wounds and everything!" He swoons.

I wanted to fangirl so bad.

"Aww, does someone have a crush~?" Rylan asks taunting Daniel.

Daniel blushes.

"W-what!? N-no..." He says while crossing his arms and looking away with a pouty face.

"Don't worry Daniel, Rylan was just teasing you." I say while patting his back. "And besides, I'm sure you don't~" I say while winking at him.

He squinted at me then shook his head quickly.

I giggle.

"Anyways, what are you guys up to after school?" Daniel asks changing the subject.

"Nothing, mom's going to be home late tonight again." Rylan sighs.

"I was just going to be on the couch eating ice cream while binge watching 'the office' for the third time." I say.

I just went through a rough break up with Blaze. It left me really depressed. Now I'm always sad.

They both knew that.

"Dottie, maybe you should go outside more. Get fresh air." Rylan says, his voice full of sympathy.

I sigh.

"Yeah, maybe I should." I agree.

"Perfect! How about frisbee?" Daniel says.

Rylan agreed almost instantly.

"I guess." I say while smiling my 'normal' smile.

"We can meet up at my house." Daniel says.

We all agreed and parted ways to get to class...

They probably don't even care.




They don't...


Who knew any of these cinnamon buns could get sad?! I'm sorry I made Dottie suicidal and depressed, I just wanted to relate to a character.

Falling Petels (Daniel x Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now