10- Dottie? Depressed?

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(let me start by saying: I didn't think it would get this far!! Chapter ten... Wow... I did this... And also, all the views, holy crap! Where did you come from! But still, thank you! Anyways, on with the story.)

Y/n's POV

Today's the day...

Alpha is going to turn me into the Omega.

I'm nervous, but I can handle it.

I can't fight for crap, but I can definitely get beat up!

I used to be bullied by some kids in my old neighborhood, just because I was a werewolf, but then $&*^!₩ would protect me.

I start to tear up from the sudden flash back.

I started full on sobbing in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Y/n?" I heard a voice ask.

I turn only to see a concerned Daniel.

I quickly wipe away the tears and replace them with a smile.

"Hey Daniel." I say happily.

He walked up beside me.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"Y-yeah... I'm f-fine" I lie.

He smiles again.

"That's good to know, I was really worried." He says with the goofiest grin on his face.

I stop walking and put a hand on his chest.

"No," I say sternly. "Don't ever, ever be worried about me, ok?"

"Umm, ok?" He says in an unsure manner.

"Promise me you won't worry about me?" I say.

"Promise..." He sighs quietly.

Little did I know, he had his fingers crossed behind his back.

We walked to school together.

"Where's Dottie and Rylan?" I ask curiously.

"Rylan is already at school, and as for Dottie, I don't know... I don't really talk to her anymore." He answers.

"Why don't you talk to Dottie anymore?" I asked as one of my ears twitched from the wind.

"Ever since she broke up with Blaze... She was always sad and when she started showing up to school with cuts on her wrists I knew she wasn't the same..." He answered sadly.

"So she's depressed!?" I asked kind of surprised.

"I guess..." He answered with a sigh.

"That's so weird... Just because Blaze broke up with her?" I asked.

"Yup..." He says.

"Don't you think you should talk to her? She probably feels miserable and unwanted." I say while I mess with my skirt.

"I guess I never really thought about that..." Daniel answered awkwardly.

We got to school.

"Sorry Daniel, I have to go. See you later!" I ran into the building to get to class.


Hi, ok I just wanted to say, wow!! I'm so happy to have this milestone. Chapter 10. Sorry it was so short, I'll make chapter 11 extra long!! Thanks so much!

Falling Petels (Daniel x Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now