7- Hanging Out

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Someone's POV

It's been a while since I last saw Y/n. She seems to be doing well.

I'm glad.

Y/n's POV

(You're just getting home)

I open the front door and walk in.

"I'm home~" I say loudly.

No one answered.

"Figures..." I scoff.

Mom was probably at work.

As for my dad, I've never met him.


I walk around for a little while, my house is bigger than your average house.

Not as big as a mansion, but smaller.

I wonder what Ein is up to...

I giggle at the thought of Ein. He was cute, your average Casanova.

Maybe I should text him.


((Y- You, E- Ein))

Y- Ein?

E- Yes. Who's this?

Y- Oh, right. this is Y/n

E- Oh, hey, Y/n

Y- So... Are you busy right now?

E- Not at all, you?

Y- of course I'm not busy.

E- Wanna hang out?

Y- Absolutely, I'm so bored.

E- where do you wanna meet up?

Y- Is the park ok?

E- which one?

Y- the one farthest East.

E- Alright, see you there.


I have to change!

I'm not ready!

Crap crap crap.

I run to my room and take my clothes off and put a (f/c) tank top on along with some sweat pants.

Phew, that was close, but I still need to go there.

I can walk there, werewolves aren't aloud to get a driver license until they're like 20.

I know, it's sad, but sometimes the world isn't fair.

On my way there I turned on some tunes.

My favorite song was on and I guess I was singing along because when I saw Ein he was laughing.

I took out one of the headphones.

"What?" I ask while standing there.

"You were singing while dancing to the tune." He said while wiping a tear from his eye.

I blushed of embarrassment.

"W-whatever..." I mutter to myself.

He grabbed me by my shoulder and pulled me to his side.

"I'm the Alpha male." He whispers in to my ear making it twitch.

I gasp slightly.

I push myself away from him.

"And I've decided who the Omega will be." He said a little louder.

"W-who?" I ask, slightly stuttering.

He smirked.

"Daniel." He said.

I stumbled back a little.

"WHAT!??" I ask basically yelling.

"Shh," he hushed me. "It'll be our little secret."

"I-I-I.... Of course, Alpha..." I say giving in.

He smiles.

"Glad you agree." He says slyly.

I nod and smile slightly.

I didn't want to be apart of this, but there's no backing out now.

He continued.

"I feel like you should stay away from Daniel." He says.

He sits down on a bench and pats next to him asking you to join him.

You sit unwillingly.

He's so interesting... He's not intimating like all the other Alphas. Is here only like this around me? I'm flattered.

"Y/n? I asked you a question." Ein said interrupting my day dream.

"Oh, sorry. What was it?" I ask with an awkward laugh at the end.

"Would you like to go to the fall dance with me?" He asks with a tint of blush on his cheeks.

"Oh, as friends. Absolutely!" I say while blushing as well.

"No not as friends, as dates." He said with his hand on my shoulder.

"Umm..." I left a long pause.

I've never been asked on a 'date' before... This is to much pressure.

"Yes...?" I say unsure.

"Great!" He yells. "Could you wear something that matches dark blue?"

"Yes. Yes I can." I say confidently.

"Perfect! See you at school tomorrow, Y/n!" He says as he runs off.

I stuff there, alone.

Shouldn't I feel happy? This is my first date! So why can't I feel happy?

All I want to do is cry, and I don't know why.

I should get home... Yeah, home...

Falling Petels (Daniel x Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now