3- Don't tell me...

38 2 5

Y/n's POV

I ran up to Daniel, he looked like he was in pain.

'does this happen often?' I thought to myself.

I was panicking, trying to think of what to do as the bell rang to indicate that classes had started.

"I'll take him to the nurse!" I say out loud.

But how would I explain it?

... Hmm...

"I have some bandages in my bag!" I say.

But where is my bag?

I look around, 'where's my bag? That had my phone in it!' I think. That werewolf must've taken it.

"Grrr, when I get my hands on h-"

I was interrupted by Daniel groaning.

"Oh, I almost forgot you were here..." I say awkwardly.

He laughs and coughs. He tried to get up.

"No! Don't get up, you're hurt... Here, let me." I didn't want him to hurt himself anymore, Soo I picked him up... Bridal style...

He blushed a little, but he seemed okay with it. Meanwhile, I was blushing like a mad man, but he was surprisingly light-er than expected.

"Umm... Y-Y/n, I'm fine put me down, I'm probably to heavy." Daniel says with his ears to their lowest and the cutest puppy dog eyes I've ever seen.

"Don't worry, Daniel, I work out... Sometimes... And besides, you're hurt, I need to get you help!" I say trying to resist the cuteness.

"But.... O-ok..." Daniel finally agrees with me.

I smile, a fake one, but I smile.

He smiles back, and his ears go back up.

I take him to the fountain and put him down, because I want to get the blood off first.

I take out my handkerchief.

"May I?" I ask, because I'm all about consent.

"Y-yeah..." He says.

I dip my handkerchief in the water and put my hand on his left cheek so I could clean the right one. (I don't know about you, but I'm left handed, so that's how I would do it)

 (I don't know about you, but I'm left handed, so that's how I would do it)

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I could tell that no one has done this for him.

I started to look in his eyes, he had the prettiest eyes.

We had only met 30 minutes ago, and we had only said about 5 sentences to each other, but I feel like I could tell him my deepest darkest secrets.

Oh no...

Y/n, don't tell me you just... Fell in love...

I... I think I did...

Oh no... What are you going to do!?

I don't know!

I look away from Daniel and blushed a pinkish red color.

I shake it off (I like that song...) And continue cleaning Daniel's wounds.

As soon as I'm done things get pretty awkward.

"So..." I start to say.

"So?" Daniel says trying to get the rest of the sentence.

"Does that happen a lot?" I say, I don't mean to pry, but I wanted to know... I needed to know...

I started to fiddle with his hands and looked at me.

"Yeah," he says. "But don't worry! I'm fine!" He says reassuring me.

"Clearly." I say in my sarcastic voice. "Listen, I'm here for you. Just call me if you need help." I say while giving him my number.

"T-thanks..." He says while grabbing the number from my hands.

You did that so you could talk to him more, didn't you?

Man you know me so well...


Hello world!!

Word count: 560

Ok, yes I did draw the picture in there, it was a little hard, but nothing is a challenge to me!

If you enjoyed this chapter vote for it, and if you didn't well... Screw you.

So like I said before, I'm in Texas now. I have no wifi here, I'm using all my data.



Falling Petels (Daniel x Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now