Part 9

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My eyes mind was awake but my eyes were heavy. My back was tucked into the red comforters that were in Cartoonz's room as I didn't have one yet, and he was out tonight.

I wonder what he does when he leaves?

Rolling over, I see the led light of the clock. 2:53 a.m.

Biting my lip, a tight feeling fills my chest. My eyes were watering and I wasn't sure why.

It's overwhelming. I've only been here for a couple days, and everyone seems to be okay with that, but I still feel lonely.

Sighing, I roll out of the bed, sitting on the edge. My arms are shaking. I grip the edge of the bed to try and stop it.

Maybe I can walk around the house to ease my nerves.

On shaky legs, I realize just how sore I am, I exit the room.

Walking down the dark hallway as quietly as I could, I tried to keep my footsteps silent, focusing on the sounds as I creeped along the carpet.

The moonlight streamed in from the windows that weren't completely shades with blinds. I slipped past the light into the dark kitchen.

Freezing, I see a black silhouette moving around the tiled floor. My heart thumps in my chest as they stop, staring at me. All the horrible things from him came back to me, and I was prepared for a strike; for being punished due to not being asleep. The tremble wracked my arms again...

They slowly move, as if heading towards me before stopping, flicking on a light.

Flinching away from it, I see Delirious, confused and scratching his neck. "(y/n)? What are you doing up still? It's early."

I bite my lip and glance away. "I can't fall asleep..."

He shuffles around the kitchen, and I feel him step close to me. "Well, you can sleep in my room again...?" He suggests hesitantly.

I shift my eyes up to his and offer a timid smile. Something about him really relaxes me.

His eyes were dark pools, the skin around them dark. He looked as tired as I felt.

Grabbing his hand, I feel him tense slightly, looking down at my fingers. Did I overstep my boundaries? He suddenly squeezes my hand and he turns the lights off. He walks us back towards his room.

When we step in, his lamp is on, and for the first time, I could see a little stuffed bear on his far nightstand, his blue sheets crumpled, and a small pile of clothes in the corner.

"Do you want a shirt to sleep in?"

Realizing I was still in my jeans and shirt from earlier, I nod.

"Is that all you brought?"

I nod.

A frown takes over his face while he ruffles in his dresser for something. "We'll go get you some clothes tomorrow. Sound good?"

Smiling, I take the soft shirt from his hands.

"You can change in here, or you can go to the restroom. I don't really care."

Delirious turned his back towards me and rifled through his closet and drawer.

I knew I should go and change in the bathroom, but my arms and legs are burning, and I just felt so tired. Plus, I trust Delirious. He saved me.

Turning from him, I quickly change; I fling my shirt off and throw his on before discarding my pants, too. I make my own little clothes pile in the other corner..

The Price of a Life [Delirious x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now