Hey guys welcome back to my YouTube channel!
Today we're going to be discussing some #toxic ships. They'll be mostly Marvel because as you guys know, I'm a huge Marvel nerd.
1. Stucky (Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes)
(Literally just copied this from that other chapter oof)
I'm throwing it out there right now: I HATE Stucky.
No. No. No.
First of all, it's not even canon. Steve and Bucky are best friends, that's literally it.
Why do people have to ship everyone now? Why can't we just appreciate on screen and on paper friendships without trying to turn them into "a thing"?
Why are so many relationships between characters desired to be romantic?
Just gonna throw this out there: most of the OG Marvel fans were guys. I'm not saying that to be rude or sexist, I'm just stating the facts (which are sexist, apparently #FactsDon'tCareAboutYourFeelings)
And spoiler alert: many guys don't "ship" people like girls do.
Let me put it to you this way: I have NEVER met another guy who actively ships people. And I've never met a male Stucky shipper.
Many girls are all about that tacky romance drama. Many guys are not. That's just how it is, and that's perfectly ok.
But anyway, Marvel began to attract more girls over the years, which is a v good thing bc it makes dudez seem less like nerds. But with them came a select few Stucky shippers.
These shippers decided that Steve and Bucky couldn't possibly be just friends, right? Because omigawd any time someone lOoKs aT mE iT's IMMEDIATELY TRUE L0VE!!!!!1!1!!!
So are you trying to tell me that all best friends are in love, then? Because that's definitely false.
Alsoooo Steve is CLEARLY attracted to women and never showed even an inkling of interest in men. So.
Bucky and Steve are best friends. Best friend goals, if you will. I mean what would be cooler than you and your bff being superheroes (Bucky's not a villain, feel free to @ me on this)?
But hey - here's a concept: let's try shipping friendships for a change, instead of just assuming that two people who are really close MUST be in love. Every. Single. Time.
2. Thoki, or Thorki (Thor/Loki)
LITERALLY incest. "But Loki's adopted?????????"
They are BROTHERS. They love (sometimes) each other as brothers. That's it, and that's perfect.
Again, what is with people and romanticizing EVERY interaction between two characters? Please just stop.
3. Spideypool (Spider-Man/Deadpool)
Also literally illegal. A minor with an adult? Ew, no.
Even if you try to tell me "but not if Spidey's an adult and so is Wade" I will hunt you down and personally slap you.
If Wade is ALREADY a thirty sonething adult when Peter is a teenager, THINK ABOUT THAT AGE GAP WHEN PETER IS EVENTUALLY LEGAL.
Still creepy.
Just because something is legal doesn't mean it's not weird.
And yeah, I get that people with 15+ year age gaps can be a happy couple, but the fact is that in this case, people are just searching too hard for something that doesn't and shouldn't exist
Like seriously
Watchu doin
4. Stony (Steve Rogers/Tony Stark)
They don't even get along. That marriage would crash and burn faster than me trying to fly a plane. It would fall apart like your intestines after eating Mexican food.
Not to mention, Tony is clearly attracted to women and NOT men. I mean, we saw plenty of that in all three Iron Man movies as well as pretty much any other movies Tony Stark appeared in.
Not to be rude, but it's just an unrealistic ship.
Also, Pepper? We stan Pepper Potts in this household
5. Ironstrange (Tony Stark/StePHDen Strange)
Again: two characters are on screen together for thirty minutes and people immediately ship them.
Get some help
I feel like being that desperate to see love shows bigger mental problems.
6. Science Bros (Tony Stark/Bruce Banner)
I swear some people have a Stark kink or something
Again just. . . No
The ship as a friendship is great. No complaints. 11/10.
But then you get the hopeless romantics again who say "tHeY'rE sO iN lOvE!!!1!111!!!!11!!!"
Bruh where??
And again: Pepper Potts.
7. Ironspider (Tony Stark/Peter Parker)
This one
This one makes me C R I N G E
Peter is BASICALLY like Tony's son.
How would you feel if someone shipped you with your dad?
That takes the "your mom" jokes to a whole new level.
Peter sees Tony as a father figure. Tony sees Peter as his son. That's it. That's the story.
8. WinterWitch (Bucky Barnes/Wanda Maximoff)
Who even thought this was a good idea-
What was it that Vision said about chaos again??? Something about catastrophe?? Hmmm
Plus they don't ever hardly look at each other so there's THAT.
Also, pedo alert
Why would a 100 year old creep be thirsting after a teenager like what
Bucky would NEVER
THAT concludes today's problomatic ships. If you have any more you'd like me to add, comment and tell me.
Don't forget to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, and subscribe to my channel for more nerdy updates!! Bye guys!!
ALSOOOO I was tagged by quackson-klaxson and BlueTendu to do the song thingie SO
E: Eurielle, "City of the Dead"
S: "Survivor" cover by Tim Halperin
O: "On The Nature Of Daylight" by Max Richter
T: "Time" by Hans Zimmer
E: "Everywhere I Go" by Sleeping At Last
R: "River" by Bishop Briggs
I: "I Found" by Amber Run
C: "Cassini" by Sleeping At Last AND "Came Here For Love" acoustic version by Sigala and Ella Eyre
-: "Saturn" by Sleeping At Last
×× Isaac