Bad Fans •《opinion》•

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To start off, please take a moment to watch this:

Okay first off, pairing Tom with Seb and Mackie was just a REALLY bad idea.

Second, if you think that the behavior of these girls was even remotely okay, kindly leave my life and never come back.

I mean, you can just see the embarrassment on Tom's face, and the irritation radiating from all three of them is so obvious that it makes me wonder how those girls just didn't pick up on it.

The whole time Tom was like, "I swear not all of my fans are like this."

Seb was like, "Who do these losers think they are?"

And Mackie was just "Y'all need to shut up, leave, and never come back. Idiots."

And my dudes, I was thinking the same things.

I think we tend to forget that celebrities are just as human as anyone else. They have feelings and can be hurt by think inconsiderate fans like these say. So if you ever are fortunate enough to meet your favorite celebrity, rememner that. Choose your words carefully, and be nice. Make them remember you for your politeness and charm, not for being rude and obnoxious.

Hopefully they don't think that all of Tom's fans are like that. Hopefully they all know they have SO many fans who love them AND respect them. All three of them.

Because good gravy, those girls make a lot of fans look bad. Don't be like those girls. Be respectful to the people you look up to, and please never tell someone "I don't care about you."

Those girls paid who knows how much money to be there, see, take pictures with, and INTERACT WITH their favorite celebrities and they just destroyed that opportunity that so many other people would have loved to have.

Don't tell me, "They were just joking! Stop taking things so seriously." You know what? Sometimes people use "joking" as an excuse for being downright rude.

Also, I woulda kicked those girls out tbh.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk

×× Isaac

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