Unamerican •《opinion》•

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We were having a lovely barbecue dinner tonight with my grandparents.

Somehow, we got on the topic of showering. Specifically, how long it takes each person to shower.

My father noted that it takes women longer to shower than men. Of course, that is due to leg shaving and more hair to wash and whatnot. He complained how it wastes water and takes forever and he hates seeing hairz left behind.

I kindly noted that, I assumed it would be to his delight, not all women choose to shave for numerous reasons and thus, not all women take forever to shower. Some don't see a reason for to shave, some just don't mind their own hair, and maybe some are just afraid of razors. I dance with a few girls who don't shave their legs because they just don't want to. And some of them are liberal, some are conservative.

My father, however was horrified.

He proceeded to tell me: "Women who don't remove every last inch of their body hair are filthy and unamerican. It's the disgusting Europeans who don't shave."


I get that women being hairless has become some kind of societal norm, but I just don't get why.

In my opinion, whatever you want to do with your body hair isn't anyone's business (as ling as it's not filthy/disease carrying, obviously).

Personally, ALL body hair (aside from head hair) grosses me out on men AND women both. But I'm not gonna avoid you just because you don't shave your legs.

I mean, nobody cares if a man chooses to grow out a beard or shave it all off, so why do people really care if women shave their legs or not? Why does it really matter? Besides, beards tend to be dirtier than leg hair for OBVIOUS reasons.

I don't care if you choose to let the hair grow because FeMiNiSm!!!1!1!!1!11!! or if it's simply because you just don't see a reason to shave it off.

Women who choose not to shave are NOT "feminist icons". They're just women who choose not to shave. It's as simple as that. Kinda like how you choose what to wear in the morning. No politics behind it.


Can anyone tell me why it's so taboo for a women to not shave (aside from people viewing it as untidy bc that's an argument for whimps lol)??

And I'm not trying to come off as feminist (*gag*) bc I H8 feminism ew. I'm v conservative. I just don't get why it's such a big deal.

And btw, my whole family agreed with me. And they're all v conservative too.

Oh yeah. Happy Independence Day to all and to all a good night. Go scrounge snapchat for a thousand firework vids you never wanted.




And I kinda want to draw this but idk. Thoughts?


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×× Isaac

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