My sister's friend turns 21 tomorrow. I don't know her super well butttt I saw infinity war with her and my sister (I have no friends oof) and she's SUCH a nice person! Like genuinely, truly nice.
Also she's had it tough. I guess both her parents passed away unexpectedly, so she went to live with her aunt and uncle and then THEY both passed away this year.
I was like, dang.
It really taught me to appreciate what I have while I have it.
So anyway, after talking with her for a bit before seeing the movie, I learned that her absolute FAVORITE MCU character is
You guessed it
Bucky Barnes.
So, I decided to draw a sketch of him for her as a gift. You guys are the first to see bc I can't put it on my insta yet bc she follows me lol
(Sorry it's sideways ft. My Blue T-Shirt)
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Whaddaya think?? I know it's not as good as my colored ones BUT it's a lot harder (for me, anyway) to shade without pastels. I just can't blend graphite as easily for some reason.
Also my attempt at hair desperately needs help.
Also also, what's your opinion of Bucky? I'm curious lol
And yes, I'm still gonna do the Civil War drawing whoop