Escape to nowhere

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"Wait inside the house with Mehmet until Hilal gets here and then leave Ocren as fast as you can," Leon told to Ali Kemal while standing in front of Hilal's house. They have just reached Ocren after Leon rescued Mehmet from the Eskorian spy headquarters.

"Yes, I know the drill captain. Don't you worry but make sure you keep your promise to free Hilal from that prison," Ali Kemal said to Leon.

Leon nodded slightly and then handed Mehmet over to him who was still sleeping on his arm. He affectionately patted the little boy's head before leaving for the Eskorian military office.

As soon as he reached there he went to the prison cell to check up on Hilal. He needs to inform her about his plan. They have much to talk. When he reached closer to the cell at first he thought he was hallucinating but it took him only a moment to realize what was happening inside the cell. His blood froze in his veins in fear. Hilal was perched on the bench moments away to step over from it with a rope hanging around her neck.

"Hilal, No," Leon shouted at her while rushing into the cell with lightning fast speed. He grabbed her around her hip and lifted her from the bench while simultaneously he reached for the rope around her neck and removed it too. As soon as he let her down Hilal crumbled and she sank to the floor crying hysterically. Leon also sat down with her and held her in his arms while she tries to hit him futilely.

"Let me go. Let me do it. I can't live in this world while my brother is no longer in it. Let me go," Hilal pushed into Leon's chest while sobbing uncontrollably.

"Hilal, calm down. What are you talking about?"

"They killed my brother Leon. The only family I left in this world. The one I was supposed to protect."

"Hilal, stop. Listen to me. Mehmet is alive. Nothing happened to him."

"What? How do you know?" Hilal asked bewilderedly.

"Don't ask me how. Just trust me when I say that he is alive and well," Leon reassured Hilal in a calm voice.

Hilal looked at him disbelievingly but there was something in his eyes that made her trust in what he was saying.


Leon was pacing at his office restlessly thinking about Hilal earlier. He couldn't believe how close he was to losing her. Just thinking about what would have happened if he didn't arrive in time gives him scary feelings. But this incidence made one thing clear for him. He is sure about his feelings of her now more than ever. Whatever happens, he can't watch her getting harmed. So he needs to come up with a plan to get her out of here fast. A knock at the door brought him back from his thoughts.

A mousy looking officer entered his office.

"Captain Leon. You are in office today. Where were you in the last two days?" Colonel Stavros asked.

Leon never liked this officer. He was always trying to find a fault with him for no reason. Somehow he can't believe that Leon achieved his position in the army without his uncle's influence. But as he is senior in rank than him he has to tolerate. Leon put an artificial smile in his face and replied,

"I used some of my holidays to relax at home colonel. Don't you think I deserved it after all the hard work I did to catch the spy?"

"Of course captain. I was just wondering where you were cause it is unusual for a hardworking officer like you to miss a day of work," Colonel Stavros replied with a tight smile.

"Thank you, colonel, for thinking so highly of me."

"Of course captain. Anyway, I hope you had a good vacation and now fully recharged for work. Oh, I am here to inform you that the spy will be transferred to our main prison tomorrow where her execution will take place."

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