Chapter 1: Unseen

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Chapter 1: Unseen

(Y/N) Your Name

(S/N) Sister Name

Italics Your Thoughts

You ran quickly through the streets of town. The sound of thundering footsteps encouraged your legs to move faster; ignoring the cold sweat falling down your burning cheeks. You had stolen again from yet another high priced shop set up neatly outside. And as always, your reason was just. You leaped over some spilled produce in the middle of the unpaved streets and almost tripped on an apple, but quickly caught yourself in the most awkward position. You would have blushed in any other situation, but as of now, you could honestly care less. This would not be the first time you embarrassed yourself in the name of stealing.

People talked about you and your sister. As you both walked the streets, odd stares were given and whispers were quickly exchanged. They would say that you were not 'as fortunate as other families' and 'lacked the goddess's touch.' The gossip flew over your sister's head: she was way too young to understand how cruel the world could be. You, on the other hand, bottled and stored every piece of your anger. You would calmly walk your sister home and make a mental note of every person who spoke poorly of your family. The next day, your house would be piled with all kinds of stolen belongings ranging from shiny necklaces to cute bears. And they say you lacked the goddess's touch. Christmas always came early when you were around.

You even got your hands on some extremely juicy info in diaries. You stole the diaries for a short amount of time and returned them faithfully, well not without causally adding this in red blood-like ink:

I know your secrets...

The victim's screams could be heard a mile away.

Even though your entire being hated to admit it, those adults were right. You were...poor. Both of your parents were dead and you could not bear to see your sister starve, so you stole. Anything. Everything. You never thought twice about sticking your hand into an unguarded purse to withdraw a large sum of money, and you never uttered a word to your sister about your bad habit. She deeply believed that the goddess Palutena would watch over the two of you. She loved the goddess of light. You, however, did not. If Palutena was real, then the least she could do was help two starving orphans with little to nothing to live for. Where was she when you needed her the most?

So you stole. To survive. This time, however, you slipped up. The shopowner harshly grabbed your hand the second you stuck it inside the apple basket. You snatched away and ran for your life; well not without grabbing a handful of other food of course. There was no way you would return home empty-handed. You showed no fear: you knew this would happen.

You saw the future.

"Halt thief!" The shop owner yelled as he slowly began to catch up to your retreating form. His hands brushed dangerously close to your shoulder and you shivered at the sudden contact. Thieves lost their hands if they were caught without a good excuse. And your excuses had dried up months ago. His hand reached out to grabbed you once again but you were able to narrowly avoid the attack. Your legs screamed out in pain but you kept running; you had to make it to your escape route.

You turned a sharp corner and slid under a small crack in an abandoned house; feeling your dress rip in the process. Your only dress. Dust slowly entered your lungs as you desperately held in your reflex to cough. The shopowner's feet came into view.

"Where are you!" The shop owner yelled as his feet moved back and forward like a madman. You swore you could see the anger in his feet. You stayed low to the ground and held your breath, careful not to make any sudden movements. Your entire body shook frantically as your hands slowly covered your mouth. You specifically targeted shops with overbearing prices, never the ones that cared for their customers. Though this guy may not have a shop when he returns from his daily chase. Once the shopowner's feet disappeared from sight, you stayed in your place for about 30 more minutes just in case he decided to return. When you were positive he left, you crawled from your safe spot, tidied up a bit, and ran home.

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