Chapter 10: What happened?

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"Can I go home?" You asked Dark Pit. Your black jacket repelled most of the slow-falling rain as you held tightly onto the strap of your bag. Water splashed upward as unsuspecting puddles made contact with your black boots. The laurel crown Palutena had given you was still missing, so you had no means of contacting the goddess. You needed Dark Pit's help to get back to Skyworld.

"Home? You consider your stay with Palutena and Pit-Stain home?" Dark Pit asked, his eyes meeting with yours. You sighed and thought his question over, coming to a known conclusion.

"It's the only place I can call home." You mumbled, feeling a wave of sorrow wash over you. Although your life with Pit and Palutena was fun filled, you still missed both your late mother and sister. They were family.

"...You okay?" Dark Pit asked. You turned to him, a bit surprised at the words that had just left his mouth. You never thought of Dark Pit being the sympathetic type. It was more of Pit's style.

"Yes. I'm alright." You smiled, grateful that Dark Pit had even cared. You briskly walked passed him and tried to change the subject.

"So...where exactly are we going?" You asked.

"I'm going to visit someone. You were supposed to wait till I got back," Dark Pit stated. You pondered over all the possible people Dark Pit knew. No one came to mind except for-

"Palutena?" You guessed hopefully.


"I see....wait. Viridi? The Goddess of Nature? You know her?"

"I wouldn't say know. More like she owes me something." Dark Pit wore an annoyed look, as if he despised even mentioning her name.

"Oh okay...But before we go, can we at least go by a store first? I need to buy some things."

"We? You're not coming with me Y/N, and I'm not dealing with anymore of your antics." Dark Pit bluntly stated. You frowned, not the least bit pleased with his words.

"Well you can't just leave me here," You said, pointing at the unfamiliar scenery. "I don't know the way back to town." Dark Pit smirked and responded.

"...That isn't my problem Y/N." The wings on Dark Pit's back extended as he took to the skies at an incredible speed. Realization hit you hard, your mind taking time to process what had just happened. As much as you hated to admit it, you needed Dark Pit to get back to Skyworld...or at least back to the house you woke up in.

"Wait! Wait!!!!" You yelled, running after his already disappearing form. The rain fell hard as you tried your best to keep up with him, but to no avail. Once you concluded that Pitto wasn't returning anytime soon, you sighed and trudged in whatever direction your feet took you.

"Why...*pant* do I even bother," You mumbled.


"How much does this cost?" You pointed to a single chocolate bar that sat neatly on top of many others.

"2 silver coins," The shop owner explained.

"I'll take it." You stated, slapping the money on the counter. After carefully placing the chocolate into your bag, you ruffled your hair and sighed aloud. Your shopping was finally finished. It took some time to find everything you needed (including the town itself) and you now officially had nothing to do. You couldn't contact Palutena or Pit, and Dark Pit was still missing in action.


You stayed under shop roofs, preventing the slow-falling rain from touching you. After pondering for what seemed liked ages, you decided to return to the forest in hopes of finding your laurel crown. You walked down a few streets in the direction you assumed was right, however, you couldn't remember the exact location.

Alive (Pit x Reader x Dark Pit)Where stories live. Discover now