Chapter 13: Of Course

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*The special is taking too long to write. So here's another chapter. More details down below.

"What's this?" You asked, moving closer to Pit to get a better view. The letter was written in neat handwriting. Handwriting you didn't recognize.

"It's an invitation to a Smash party! It's where fighters from all over the world meet up and battle it out!" Pit exclaimed, his eyes sparkling. You could tell that he was very excited.

"Fighters from all over the world huh? Sounds cool." You said, reading over a bit of the letter. "So, you're going right?"

"Of course! Lady Palutena is going too! And you're coming with us Y/N!" Pit said.

Wait what?

You couldn't imagine yourself in a battle royal, or a one-on-one battle for that matter. How could a human's fighting capabilities compare to that of an angel's? Even if the rest of the fighters were human, they were most likely trained for combat. You wouldn't last a second.

"Um...Pit. You know I'm not a fighter, right? Why would I go?" You asked, looking up from the letter and at him. His response was simple.

"Because it'll be fun!" Pit said. You sighed a little.

"What I meant to say was what's the point of going if I can't fight?"

"Because...It'll be fun?" Pit said, putting his hand underneath his chin. You stifled a laugh.

"Actually Pit, this isn't going to be a party where people fight." Palutena explained, walking up to the two of you. She turned to Pit and smiled. "It clearly states that in the letter." You read through rest of the letter to find that Palutena was right. This was going to be a casual party, not a brawl.

"O-oh. I didn't catch that p-part." Pit said, his cheeked dusting pink.

"Of course you didn't." Palutena replied, her eyes gleaming mischievously. It was as if she knew something. Pit turned away, his face now completely red. You stayed silent for a bit, wondering what was happening between the two.

"Well..." You started, "Since it's just a party I guess it wouldn't be all that bad. I don't mind going."

"Awesome!" Palutena said cheerfully. "It'll be a great experience for you! You'll meet so many new people!"

You cringed. Conversing with people you didn't know sounded like a personal nightmare. It wasn't that you didn't like people, you just lacked social skills. You were a thief after all. You didn't spend time getting to know others. You spent time getting to know their wallets.

However, even if you didn't like the idea, you did see the party as a nice opportunity. Perhaps it wouldn't be all too bad.

"If you say so. Um...It's getting I'm heading to bed. Goodnight Palutena. Goodnight Pit." You said.

"Goodnight Y/N!" The two said is unison. You turned away from the two and grabbed the handle of your door, hesitating a little. Pit and Palutena waited for you to move, and when you didn't, they gave each other questioning looks.

"Is something the matter?" Palutena asked. You let go of the handle, your arm dropping back to your side.

"It's just...well..." You wanted to tell them what you saw in your vision. You really did. But you just couldn't bring yourself to do it. Telling them what you saw could lead to the outcome you were trying to avoid. Or something even worse. Just what were you supposed to do?

You turned around to face both Palutena and Pit, forcing a small smile.

"I just wanted to properly say goodnight." You said. You made your way over to Palutena and hugged her tightly around her waist. Palutena froze in place, surprised at your actions. You had never hugged her before. Not once.

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