|| Chapter 2 ||

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Lips pursed, the Principal slipped into his office and sat in the cushioned chair.

He folded his hands together, setting them on the table. The Principal is a classy dresser, usually seen in a suit and tie with gloves. Unlike Baldi, who throws on a green sweater. The male took a deep breath as he waited, patiently twirling his thumbs around each other as he waited. Whoever wanted him was gone at the moment, however he didn't mind being by himself for a bit.

Baldi enjoyed being by himself, which the Principal respected. He allowed the bald teacher to have his days being alone, meanwhile he had his own issues. Watching children break the rules, for example. Justice is nice and filling. One day they'll understand. The Principal thought, allowing a sigh to escape his lips.

"Hey, Boss!" Sweep's voice came from just outside the door. "Did you hit your jaw on something?"

The Principal blushed darkly at this, opening his mouth before closing it. Damnit, Baldi! It wasn't supposed to be noticeable!

"No, someone decided to be an idiot. That's all the story." The Principal sighed. Though, since Sweep is here, I can talk to him about his behavior with Baldi. Those two seem to be acting up a bit.

"Sweep, have you and Baldi recently got into a fight? You two seem a tad tense together." Asked the Principal, ensuring that his voice remained monotoned.

Sweep jumped slightly with surprise. "No! I don't get into fights with the bald mop himself! He's got the tongue of a serpent and the attitude like a starved bear."

"That's good." The Principal relaxed. "You can tell me if things happen, you do know this, correct?"

"Of course." Sweep's voice dropped into a venomous sweet purr. "I would always report something to you."

"Thank you. Dis-"

"Also, I'm sorry for my reaction to your... tears." Sweep interrupts. "I never seen anything like that, and I was just jumpy."

The Principal could recall what happened that night, when it was raining hard on the streets and the school looking dull. Baldi had snapped at him and left, the Principal retreating to the school. Sweep found him, but when he cried, Sweep left. The Principal cried black tears, a rare condition in his family. He didn't hold a grudge against Sweep for acting like that, he's not Baldi who would hold a grudge on the littlest things. It was cute and sad.

"It's fine, you didn't know." The Principal replied softly. "Now, I'm supposed to be meeting someone in my office..."

"They're here." Sweep huffs. "Now, I'm going to go sweep sweep sweep!" Sweep rushes off, leaving the door wide open. A head poked through.

"...h-hi..." Whispered a shy voice. "I'm... new here... I was told to come see you..?"

"Of course, Come sit down." The Principal's monotoned voice must have scared the child a bit, but he could care less. "What is your name?"

"Player... sir."

"Player?" The Principal arched a brow. "A pleasure to meet you."

"Thank you..."

"My name's the Principal Of The Thing.  I'm the Principal Of this school."

"I suspected that, considering your name is 'Principal'."

The Principal's lips twitched upward slightly. "You're quite sassy. We are going to have a fun time in this school together."

Player shivered slightly at his smile, before standing up sharply. "I look forward to it." The cheerfulness sounded forced. Player walked out, but the Principal called after them.

"Also, Player?"

Player turned, arching a brow shakily.

"Remember to follow all school rules, night or day." The Principal offered a chilling smile. "Or detention for you."

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