|| Chapter 8 ||

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A soft sigh escaped the Principal's lips.

He was reading in the hallways quietly, since all students are supposed to be in class. Sweep was doing his usual sweeping job, Baldi was teaching mathematics, and Arts and Crafters was no where to be seen.

The Principal licked his finger and flipped the page, humming softly to himself as he read. Then, he heard a scream. The Principal's eyes flicked up, a brow arched. Screaming? It sounds scared and... in pain. Perhaps I should go check it out. The Principal closed his book softly, placed it on a nearby water fountain, and hurried to the direction where it came from. It was behind a closed door, Baldi's closed door. Is Baldi Ok? Hurt? What about the children? The Principal placed a hand on the door knob, however before he could turn it-

- "That's the wrong answer! All of you, all of you can't solve question number 3, it's easy." Baldi's voice shouted. "Can't you all not read? Clearly, it says-"

The Principal opened the door, poking his head Inside. There was a child with a bruised cheek, and the other children looked horrified. Baldi was standing beside a chalkboard, arms crossed and tightly gripping a ruler. On it, laid a difficult to read math problem.

"Mr. Baldi?" The Principal said quietly, his monotoned voice not giving anything away. "Is there something wrong?"

"Yes! These brats, none of them can-"

"They're not brats, Mr. Baldi." The Principal needed to keep control of this conversation. To show his authority, and get his point across. Even if Baldi was his boyfriend, he couldn't allow him to bully the other children like this. Especially if it's within his rules. "I suggest you keep your cool now, or I will see you in my office."

"Alright, fine." Baldi forced himself to relax his shoulders. "The problem is, that these children couldn't solve this problem. I know you could solve it." The Bald teacher thrusted the chalk at the Principal, who took a step back.

"Mr. Baldi, this is unreadable-"

"Excuse me?"

"I. Can't. Read. It." The Principal stressed his words.

Mr. Baldi released a dark growl. "You're too dumb to even understand it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Normally, the Principal would have been shrinking back slightly, trying to get a compromise with Baldi. However, in front of children, his dignity wouldn't allow that. The Principal is the boss.

"This," Baldi slapped the ruler on the board, just underneath the problem. "Is a word of art. Something that the Romans solved, something that the Greeks solved, something that the smartest people know. An average person could perhaps get some sort of a close answer."

"It's scribbles." The Principal growled.

"You're wrong, it's Mathematics. Numbers and integers pressed together, radicals and powers pulled from their depths, and don't get me started with the multiplication and addition." Baldi seemed to be rambling now.

The Principal grabbed the chalk offered to him and scribbled something right after the equal sign. "There, a scribble equals a scribble. Are you happy?"

Baldi stared at the 'answer' provided by the Principal, gripping his ruler. He smacked it down onto his hand, once, twice, four times. The Principal's breath hitched.

"No." Baldi said darkly. "Now, get out of my classroom."

The Principal took a step back, before looking at the child with the bruise. "What happ-"

"Get out of my classroom!" Roared Baldi. Children cried out with fear, shrinking back. If the Principal showed more emotions, he would have probably done the same.

"Hold your temper, Mr. Baldi." The Principal said Cooly. "I'll see you at 10 in my office."

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