|| Chapter 13 || *NSFW WARNING

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"Okay, Class, What's 9 Times 2?"

Mr. Baldi rapped the board with his ruler. "Come on, Everyone, don't be shy. Just give it your best shot."

Player raised a hand hesitantly. "T-twelve?"

"Alright, now lets get an answer from someone who's not a complete retard." Mr. Baldi sighed, rubbing his temple with his Pointer finger. The bell, however, rang loudly, singling recess. "Alright, kids, remember there's a quiz tomorrow." Mr. Baldi reminded.

Playtime walked over to him hesitantly, tugging on his sweater. "M-Mr. Baldi, sir?" She stammered. "What is nine times two?"

"Hm? Oh, Not Twelve. Now, go outside and play with that... jump skip thing."

"... You mean a jump rope?"

"That's what this generation now calls them?"

"What did they use to call them?"

"Jump ropes."


As Playtime left, Mr. Baldi took the moment to relish the silence. He cleared his desk, putting everything neatly on a Student desk. He wanted to press the Principal against it, kiss him like he never had before, and make him his. Mr. Baldi sat in his cushioned chair, then waited. Five minutes went by, and Mr. Baldi squirmed.

He's probably trying to stop a student from running in the halls.

Mr. Baldi sighed. Well, time to day dream about his ass. He's got them curves- I wish I could slap them with my ruler. He thinks he's so tuff because he can fire me but I know he won't, because I'm awesome. Yes, Baldimore, you are a w e s o m e, sexy, and spectacular. You deserve respect. And a raise. I should get a raise because of my hotness.

Mr. Baldi nodded in satisfaction. "Yes, Baldimore, you are an amazing person." He Breathed, leaning back on the chair. Then, he heard a choked scream. Mr. Baldi looked up sharply, standing up since he almost fell out of his chair. What the hell was that? Was that The Principal?

Fear kicked in and he bolted out of the room, tripping on Playtime's jump rope. "Pick up your crap before I slap you with my ruler!" Shouted Mr. Baldi to no one, scrambling up and running towards the cafeteria. Stupid brats, always leaving a mess behind. They're so idiotic. So nasty. They don't even wash their hands sometimes.

Mr. Baldi burst through the cafeteria doors.

There, standing before him, was the Principal, panting faintly and trying to catch his breath. His pitch black eyes were wide with shock, his suit slightly messy. Mr. Baldi found this hot. However, what caught his attention was the Principal's neck, littered with dark bruises. "Where did you get those?" He growled, possession growing.

The Principal blinked, as if trying to regain his thoughts. "I-I... can't remember. I just faintly recall a tall man and-"

"A man?" Mr. Baldi growled, stepping closer. "You allowed a man to touch what's mine?"

"I... I think- Wait, I belong to myself!" The Principal Snapped weakly, slowly coming out of his small phase.

Mr. Baldi pushed the Principal against the wall, harshly attacking his lips. Pulling away slightly, he licked them slowly. "Such a beauty. Shame I'm going to have to destroy it."

"The only thing being destroyed is time." The Principal warned weakly.

Mr. Baldi snickered. "Eager, are we? I wanted to make you suffer though."

"Suffer?" The Principal echoes. "Baldimore, this is my school! You can't make me suffer here, nor can you harm me in anyway. As a boss and as a lover."

"Shut up." Breathed Mr. Baldi, sending shivers down the Principal's back. "You're also mine. My boss, my lover. But you are also my property." He possessively grips his ass. "Mine."

The Principal squeaked and squirms slightly. "But you have no proof." The Principal Breathed, winking. "Why Don't you put some on~?"

Mr. Baldi snarled and began kissing and nipping his neck, very annoyed at some of the hickeys that was left by that man. Whoever did this will pay. Thought Mr. Baldi with a low growl. For now, he was focused on the Principal. By the time I'm done with him, he'll be unable to walk for months.

He moved his lips to the Principal's collar bone, his hands undoing the Principal's belt. However, he paused. "This is your punishment." He States, pulling away. "You're going to suck me off."

The Principal blushed darkly. "The students will be back soon." He Mumbled. "Are you sure we should do it now?"

"Of course." Mr. Baldi smirks. "Such a big mouth can use it for sucking~"

He huffed weakly. "If the kids see us-"

"Then I'll think of something." Mr. Baldi licked his lips. "Now, start."

Getting on his knees, the Principal hesitantly undid Mr. Baldi's belt and pulled down his pants just slightly. The Bald teacher shivered when cold air met his bottom half, then a soft warm breath of his lover. The Principal tentatively licked it, running his tongue slowly along the member's side, lapping at it a few times.

Mr. Baldi growled softly, trying to thrust into the Principal's mouth. The Principal yelped softly and took it in, before sucking on it lightly. He blushed darkly, watching his lover suck on his Member. His gray eyes locked with brown. Mr. Baldi felt a sudden urge to take control as the Principal sucked roughly.

Suddenly, Mr. Baldi slammed the Principal into the floor, earning a choked yelp from the older male. Mr. Baldi began to thrust into the Principal's mouth, making his gag reflex come up. The Principal began squirming slightly, trying to escape. Tears filled his eyes reflexively, choking. Mr. Baldi felt himself get close, releasing a low growl as he came into the Principal's mouth.

He pulled out slowly, making the older male sit up and cough, panting hard. He glared weakly at Mr. Baldi, a blush darkening over his cheeks. "F-fuck, could you have not been soft?" He Demanded.

"It was a punishment." Mr. Baldi shrugged. "Besides, I loved it."

"I could have choked!"

"You did."

"Shut up!" The Principal stole a kiss. Some of the Bald teacher's liquid dripped from the Principal's lips. God, he looked hot.

Mr. Baldi pulled up his pants and turned, just in time hearing students coming in. "Tell me if you ever find out who this man. Whoever it is, he will know and never touch you again." Mr. Baldi turned away, clearing his throat. "I hope you learned never let anyone touch you again."

"Anyone but you." The Principal replied hoarsely, chuckling weakly. "I belong to myself, though."

"Keep convincing yourself that." Mr. Baldi began to walk away.

"Wait!" The Principal hurried after him. "When do I get to be in charge in sexual activity?"

Mr. Baldi paused, then laughed. "Until your curves disappear."

The Principal paused, then shouted "I do not have a feminine body!"

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