|| Chapter 5 ||

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The Principal stood up sharply.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Asked the Principal, his voice monotoned. However, anger bubbled inside him.

"You and Sweep, that's what's going on." Baldi pointes his ruler at Sweep, then the Principal. "What the hell were you two doing?"

"Sweep was telling me something important, that's what." The Principal snarled, clenching his fists. Sweep tried to protest, however Baldi interrupted him.

"What did he tell you? What did you tell him!" Shouted Baldi. "Are you that desperate to ruin our relationship to tell him these things?"

"Baldi! That's enough!" The Principal grabbed Baldi's arm, however he shoved him off. The Principal stumbled backwards, but pushed himself back in front of Sweep. "Stop."

"I heard you both." Baldi snarled. "I love you? Are you just some kind of slut, Principal? Someone who just wants all these fucking dicks up your ass? Tell me!"

The Principal bristled. "I would never!" The Principal's usual monotoned voice broke slightly with anger. "You know that!"

"Do I?" Baldi grabbed the Principal's wrist. "Move out of the way, I'm killing this fucking broom."

"Killing-? Baldi, no!" The Principal body slammed into Baldi, who stumbled back.

That triggered something inside of the bald teacher, because he roared in anger before lunging at the Principal.

"Stop!" Sweep cries. "Baldi- I didn't-"

Baldi rammed into the Principal, throwing him to the grass. Pain flared through the male, and Baldi had him quick. The Principal threw a punch at Baldi's jaw, hitting it dead on. Baldi growled and stumbled, holding his jaw. "Baldi, stop!" Begged Sweep. "Principal, stay down!"

"Stay out of this, broom." Baldi Snapped, turning towards Sweep.

"Sweep, please stand back." The Principal Mumbled, placing a hand on his own neck and rubbing it. He could tell he was going to have a bruise there when this fight is over, a massive dark one. I don't want Sweep getting hurt because of my actions. He thought, wincing slightly. "Baldi, why are you so..."

"Pissed? You took him to our special place!" Snarled Baldi. "That broom is a monster!"

"Baldi, I understand why he doesn't love me and I'm sorry-" Sweep was cut off by a roar.

"Shut up! You have no right to speak, not after everything you did to me, and the Principal."

"I know I can't apologize for my actions." Sweep said softly. "But I can try to make it up to you. I-"

Baldi grabbed Sweep's handle, and threw him into the lake. The Principal gasped sharply and bolted after him. "Baldi! He was apologizing-!" The Male was suddenly tripped, tumbling into the sand. Mud and sand stuck to his suit as he shakily stood.

Baldi loomed over him. "I'm protecting you. Let him drown."

"Drown? Baldi, you're insane." The Principal Snapped.

"You don't know what he did!"

"No one deserves to die!"

The Principal turned and ran, however he was tackled. The two fell in the lake. Water lapped at them as they struggled in the water. The Principal grabbed Baldi's arm and tried to pull him off, however Baldi didn't budge. The Principal was ducked into the water by Baldi's weight. The Principal choked, unable to breath. It felt like he was suffocating, with Baldi pressed on him.

Suddenly, the weight was removed. Sweep was desperately battering Baldi off of the Principal, who struggled up and took gulps of air into his lungs. The Principal turned, trying to locate where they are. Baldi held Sweep under the surface of the water, bubbles forming at the top. "Baldi!" The Principal shouted, lunging at the bald male. He grabbed Baldi's arm and tugged, trying to save the broom. Baldi roared and turned, slamming the Principal Into the water once more.

The Principal's eyes widened when he felt everything turn around him, air bubbles escaping his mouth. Everything around him was stone, water, and sand. The Principal struggled more, arching his back, kicking out, however Baldi had him pressed into the sand and in the water fast, stronger than the Principal.

He felt the ringing in his ears grow, darkness began to fuzz up his vision, when Baldi's weight was gone. He was pulled out by Sweep with his handle. "Principal! Principal!" Shouted Sweep, though it sounded faint. The Principal coughed and puked out some water, shuddering.

Baldi slammed into Sweep, and rammed him into the water. The Principal grabbed Baldi's arm again feebly, trying to tug him off. However, Baldi roughly shook him off, then grabbed his ruler and slammed it onto the Principal.

Blood dripped from his mouth, and the Principal yanked back with a cry. He was still dizzy from the near drowning, still trying to gain his breath. Sweep released a wail when he did.

Baldi's eyes flashed, and his anger dimmed from them. "O-Oh my... Oh my God..." Baldi whispered, stepping back. The Principal wheezed, pain flashing through his skull from where he was hit.

"Baldi... Baldi..."

Baldi turned and darted out of the water, leaving the Principal and Sweep. Pushing down the pain, the Principal turned to see what damage was on Sweep. "We need to... get out of this... lake..."

Sweep would have nodded if he could, both of them helping each other out of the lake. Sweep had a few scrapes, and his handle looked crooked. However, he seemed fine. Sweep checked his head. "You May have a bruise there, but I think you'll be Ok." The broom Mumbled.

The Principal nodded, too exhausted to speak. The two sat in silence, wondering what just happened at this lake.

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