|| Chapter 14 || *NSFW WARNING

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"Oh, God! Baldi-"

The Principal rocked his hips back as Baldi grinds against him, kissing his neck lightly before pulling away. "You want me so bad, don't you~" Purred Baldi, gripping the Principal's hips tightly. The Principal stammered, unsure what to respond with. Recently, Baldi's sexual activity Sky rocketed. Not that the Principal minded, but sometimes Baldi gets horny in the wrong place.

"We can't go too far." The Principal murmurs from his place, bent over the desk with his ass raised just right for the younger male. "Students will be arriving shortly."

Baldi snorts. "Let Them see how slutty you can be." He gave The Principal's hips a warning squeeze, bringing them closer. The Principal knew Baldi would never mean that. "Such a beautiful body should be admired."

"But don't you want it for your eyes only?" Stammered the Principal, trying to find an excuse not to allow students to walk in to see this. Baldi pauses From his grinding. The Principal released a weakened groan, disappointed.

"Yes." Baldi finally replied, returning back to grinding. "But Sometimes it wont hurt to brag~"

The Principal shivered at this. He has been trying to remember who attacked him. All he remembered was Baldi screaming, then his head being slammed into the wall. Whoever did that, according to Baldi, left marks. I can only vaguely remember them being tall... strong... and harsh.

He gripped the desk, gasping sharply when Baldi grinds harder against his ass. "B-Baldi, calm down! Students will be coming in soon!" He cried out. "It's almost 8!"

Baldi paused, then groaned. "Fine, but I'm not happy about it."

"Neither am I, but we're not having sex in front of ten year olds!"

"It wasn't sex! Just getting horny."


The Principal Scowled and flicked Baldi, before straightening. His body pressed flushed against his chest, which felt nice. Baldi's hands still on his hips, his head resting on Baldi's shoulder, and feeling the other embrace him. I love these moments. So usually peaceful. So-

"Mr. Baldi!" Called a familiar voice. The Principal looked up, realizing it was Playtime. She was crying, running up to them. The Principal elbowed Baldi, who groaned in pain.

"Fuck you." Baldi muttered, before glancing at Playtime and separating from the Principal quickly. "What's wrong?"

"Bully broke my jumprope again!"

The Principal sighed. "I'll put him in detention." He murmurs, starting to walk out before he felt a rough slap on his behind.

"I still say give them a nice slap." Baldi snickered when the Principal glared at him, blushing furiously.

"I'll give you a good smack if you continue with your actions, Mr. Baldi!" The Principal huffed, before storming out.

Patrolling the hallways, looking for the Bully, he found him next to the broom. Sweep was leaning against the wall, not saying a word as the Bully blocked the hallway as usual. "No bullying in the halls, detention for-"

"Good, I wanted to talk to you." The Bully broke the Principal's monotoned warning. "Let's go."

The Principal stuttered with anger, but followed him to the detention room with Sweep sweeping behind him. Sweep had not spoken a word since the Principal came, which worried The Principal. Sweep was always trying to make conversation.

They entered the detention room, the Principal sitting crossed legged as he leaned against the chair. "You requested to speak with me? This does not count as your detention time." He warned. The Bully sat down casually, a bit too chubby for the chair. The broom stood by the door. The Bully seemed to have ignored the Principal's warning, staring at him.

"Alright, Principal Thing. Let's get this straight." The Bully said sharply. "How well do you know Mr. Baldi?"

The Principal choked. "Baldimore is a Math Teacher with sharp hearing, so good he could tell who did something. He's an amazing teacher, smart, and never had a student fail his class."

"Now, tell me, Principal Thing." The Bully leaned close. "How many murders of students happened here?"

The Principal paused. What the hell is he going for? "Seven." The Principal responded softly.

"Who was the most recent person to be killed, and how?" The Bully questioned.

"What is with this questioning?" The Principal took a nearby coffee cup and took a sip from it, enjoying the bitter taste of coffee. "Or The sudden interest of murders here?"

"Who was it?" Sweep broke out from his silence, his voice dangerously low. The Principal took a deep breath.

"Funtime. Playtime was devastated and there was no security footage of the murder." The Principal said quietly. "Now answer my question."

"We know who was doing all these murders." The Bully fiddled with something.

The Principal's eyes brightened with interest. "Oh? Who?" He asked excitedly.

The Bully paused. "Give me something great." He responds cooly.

The Principal sighed heavily, taking out his wallet and fishing out five quarters. "Will this do?"

"That will do fine." The Bully snatched it and shoved the pictures onto the desk. The Principal took a sip of his coffee, peering at the pictures.

The coffee mug fell, shattering when it hit the floor and spilling coffee everywhere.

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