|| Chapter 15 || *NSFW WARNING

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"Alright, Player! Please solve this question."

Mr. Baldi rapped the board with his ruler, watching Player jolt. "Th-that, Mr. Baldi?" They asked nervously.


Mr. Baldi glances at the board, arching a brow. "Well, Yes. It's easy." He Breathed out softly, turning around before crossing his arms. "Write the answer on the board.

Player stood shakily, swallowing hard as they walked over and took the chalk. "A-are you sure...?" It whispered. "I-I can... hardly see it."

Mr. Baldi chuckled faintly. "That is a very nice joke. Now," He tapped the board gently with his ruler. "Solve."

The Player swallowed thickly, before placing the tip of the  chalk onto the board. Shakily, they inspected the question. The more they look into it, the more it seemed to be distasteful to the eye. Mr. Baldi didn't know why.

Solve it.

Player scribbled down 12.

Mr. Baldi stared at it, then glanced at Player. "... Is this some kind of joke?" He growled, slamming his ruler down onto the desk. "Do you think this is something funny?"

"N-No, sir!" Whimpered Player, stumbling back.

"Really, now, Twelve?" Mr. Baldi's voice roughened, and he slapped the ruler on his hand, slowly approaching the trembling student. "Twelve? Where in that problem do you see it equaling Twelve?"

"I-I'm sorry!" Player wailed, trying to keep distance from the angered teacher. "Please, please don't h-hurt me! Please! Please-!"

Mr. Baldi Slapped The ruler across Player's face. The classroom was dead silent, until Playtime choked out, "Player run!"

Immediately, Player darted out of the room. Mr. Baldi glowered at Playtime for this, before walking after them. Mr. Baldi followed their cries and wails for help, though Mr. Baldi knew that no one would help them.

Mr. Baldi followed them inside a room, where a note book sat. Player quickly grabbed the notebook and turned, pointing it at Mr. Baldi. "I-I'll hit you with this!" Player wailed. "Don't hurt me!"

"You're pathetic." Mr. Baldi growled. "I'm going to count to three. If you're not in the classroom...." He slapped the ruler on his hand. "One." He took step forward, Player winced and stepped back, hitting their back against the wall. "Two." Mr. Baldi continued to advance forwards, Player shakily holding the journal. "Thr-"

Player hit Mr. Baldi across the face with the notebook.

Mr. Baldi moves his jaw, standing in shock. The notebook was hard cover, so it definitely left a bruise on his left side. Mr. Baldi loomed over Player, a twisted smile spreading across his face.

"Looks like someone needs a punishment."

Mr. Baldi cracked the ruler across the child's head. Player released a blood curling scream, grabbing the desk to steady them self. They tried to run, however Mr. Baldi grabbed their arm and slammed the ruler down again on their head, then again, then again. Blood sprayed out as the sharp end of the ruler was jabbed into the skin, tearing it and ripping through it like paper. Mr. Baldi pulled the child onto the floor, hitting them with the ruler more.

Scarlet blood pooled around Player's twitching body, still trying to escape the sadistic math teacher. However, Mr. Baldi stepped on their side, kicking them over. "You should have known better." Mr. Baldi snarled. "Solving a problem like that."

Player gurgled, trying to speak. Mr. Baldi stepped on Player's stomach, before putting all his weight into it and stepping down onto the child. Sickening crunches could be heard, and Mr. Baldi could hear the faint sound of puking in the background and a wail. Blood pooled from Player's nose and mouth, their body faltering from struggle.

Mr. Baldi placed his ruler onto the child's neck, before slamming it down. The sharp ends tore through the skin, breaking arteries, blood spraying all over the place. Player twitched once more, then stilled.

Mr. Baldi straightened, staring down at the almost decapitated child. Scarlet liquid still squirted from the wounds, pooling around the body.

"Baldimore?" Mr. Baldi froze, before turning around slowly to see the Principal standing in the room with Sweep behind him, staring with horror.

The Principal glanced up at Mr. Baldi, then to Player's mauled body. "What have you done?"

The End.

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