|| Chapter 6 ||

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What happened that night was never to be forgiven.

Mr. Baldi could never forgive himself for what he did. He attacked Sweep, and blinded by rage, he attacked his lover. Mr. Baldi avoided them as best as he could, though it was hard when one is the janitor and the other is the boss. The Principal seemed distant, as if more lost than thought in usual. Of course, he kept up his Hall moderation, however his detentions were longer.

Mr. Baldi was grading his quizzes when he leaned back, rubbing his head. Damn me... damn everyone. Damn Sweep. I need to apologize to them. Both of them, sadly. Mr. Baldi wheezed slightly under his breath. He didn't want to do that, of course it would be demolishing his own pride. However Mr. Baldi longed to hold the Principal in his arms, press him close, and love him. Love him so lovingly and kiss him. Mr. Baldi got so use to the Principal and his presence, that it felt unnatural to be without him.

He stood up and poked his head out of the hallway. Children were doing their usual, talking and laughing. They were keeping in check of not breaking the hallway rules. Mr. Baldi hesitated, unsure how to even speak to the Principal. "You- Player. Come here." He ordered when he noticed Player and Playtime walking together. Player swallowed and stumbled over, Playtime quickly leaving.

"I want you to run down those halls." Mr. Baldi pointed towards the detention room, where the Principal always hanged out. "Come straight to me, don't stop running."

"What? But I'll get detention!" Cried Player.

"For 15 seconds." Mr. Baldi huffed. "Trust me kid, I can think of worse things than detention."

Player swallowed and walked over to the detention room. Mr. Baldi sighed and watched. Though, the Principal is extremely soft on these kids. Slap them already.

Player darted down the halls in the direction towards Mr. Baldi. "Oi! No running in the halls." The usual monotoned voice came from behind the corner, and Mr. Baldi took a deep breath. Player hid behind Mr. Baldi quickly, who gave him a look. The Principal's steps faltered when he realized who Player was with, until he was standing across from Mr. Baldi.

"We need to talk." Mr. Baldi choked out.

"There's nothing to say." The Principal arched his brow. "Everything has been said and done. I asked you if you and Sweep had anything against each other. You said no, then you start screaming at me about bringing him to the lake?"

"I... Look, Sweep and I didn't want to get you involved. The problem was between us, not you, not Arts and Crafts, not First Prize, not anyone. You're our boss, we get it, but..." Mr. Baldi took a deep breath.

"You almost drowned me." The Principal growled, his monotoned voice making it more scarier. The Principal was hardly scary towards Mr. Baldi. The Principal was too kind, and usually uses his words in arguments.

"And I'm sorry. I know that can't fix everything, so I want to take you out on a date." Mr. Baldi took the Principal's hand. "To a restaurant. On me. Just... think about it."

The Principal traces the palm of Mr. Baldi's hand with his index finger, his gray eyes falling. "I will give you my answer tomorrow." He said softly. "I'm... sorry for attacking you at the lake."

"So am I." Mr. Baldi Breathed.

Mr. Baldi hesitated, before the Principal wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed him slightly. "I.. still love you, don't forget that." He Mumbled. "It's just... you know..."

"We need to take a small break from each other?" Mr. Baldi murmurs. "It's been a week, though I understand it perfectly."

The Principal nuzzles him. "Thank you, Remember I will consider your offer and I will try to tell you in the morning."

Mr. Baldi nodded. "Okay... oh! Also, You're... remember when I... ah..."

The Principal arched a brow, as if saying 'Go on?'. "...Look, you're not a slut. I don't know why I said all that to you. I... I should have told you that I have anger problems." Mr. Baldi stammered.

"Perhaps we can learn more about each other on this date, then." The Principal murmurs. "To understand each other a bit more, instead of focusing on sex."

"I mean, I would love to be inside you any day." The bald teacher said.

"Who said you're dominating me?" The Principal huffed. "I'm your boss."

Mr. Baldi snickered slightly, running his hands down the Principal's sides to his hips, before giving them a quick squeeze. "And you're a girl."

"I am most certainly-"

"Can I leave to detention now?" Player said uncomfortably.

The two staff members paused, before the Principal began to nod when Mr. Baldi interrupted. "I'm sure the Principal would love to excuse you from detention, right?" He gave the Principal's hips another squeeze, which earned a soft squeak.

"Aha... I... suppose. Just don't tell anyone. Or you will be getting detention. For 25 seconds." The Principal Mumbled, though Mr. Baldi could tell it really bothered the Principal that he couldn't 'punish' Player.

"25 seconds, Oh no I'm so scared." Mr. Baldi teased as Player scoots away. "Give Them a slap on the wrist."

"Baldi!" The Principal huffs. "I will not lay a hand on these students!"

"But you're willing to lay a hand on a dick."

"Yes- Wait."

Mr. Baldi quickly turned and darted to the doors. "See you at 10!" He called.

"Oi! Get back here! No running in the halls!" The Principal Shouted From behind him. "And the dick is much nicer than you!"

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