Letter #2

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Dear Joshua,

It's been awhile since you've responded. Honestly, you haven't responded at all to my letter, which I understand. You're probably busy living your life right now, doing amazing things I'm sure. You were always a dreamer. You did always want to pursue that directing career from the great mentoring from your father.

It made me happy when we made those childhood movies with Hannah and Beth. I know the twins are the last on your mind; that you probably don't even want to see their names imprinted in my handwriting on paper, but don't you miss those videos? We'd put all those effects on them and then ruin the quality. They were more for when we were preteens and teenagers since we are 90's kids... But that's okay. I had a really fun time making those with you and the girls.

I know Chris really misses you too. You know, we were your closest friends. You met him first, me second. He told me that night a few months ago about how you both met one another. Funny story, might I add.

Sometimes I'm convinced you and Chris were destined to be best friends. You guys go together like PB and J—and yes, that was a The Office reference. Remember when you'd invite Chris and I and we'd watch the episodes all together? With Hannah and Beth? Good times. That was one of the high points in my life: spending time with the Washington's.

I mean, you've known I've always had a loving family, and nothing's changed about that. It just feels different. Mother and Father used to ask me constantly when they could "get a break from me" so they could go on a date. They always loved your parents. They saw how happy I was with you guys. If I was happy, they were happy...

But that's changed; I'm not happy anymore. I don't have the connection with Jess, Emily, Ashley, Mike, or Matt as I did with you, Josh. You, Chris, Hannah, and Beth. Sure, I talked to everyone every once in awhile, but I was closest to you, the twins and Chris. Now that Chris has his attention and goals set on winning Ashley's heart, I just feel empty. Like something is missing.

I'm not going to deny that you're the missing piece, but I'm rather going to embrace it. Why do I know it's you?

Here's why:

I know it's you because of your genius pranks. I know it's you that's the missing piece because I miss the way you praised your father and the movies he directed. You were very passionate about movies, Joshua. Just as much as I am with animals. I'm sure you're still trying to find your big break, but at least give me some sort of sign that you're here. Anything to let me know.

Please, Joshua. I miss the way you laugh. I miss your smile and I miss your dirty jokes.

With Love,

Dear Joshua | SAM X JOSH [Until Dawn]Where stories live. Discover now